+Main class for inkycal Project +Copyright by aceinnolab
- +class inkycal.main.Inkycal(settings_path=None, render=True) +
Inkycal main class
+Main class of Inkycal, test and run the main Inkycal program.
- Args:
settings_path = str -> the full path to your settings.json file +if no path is given, tries looking for settings file in /boot folder.
+render = bool (True/False) -> show the image on the epaper display?
+- Attributes:
optimize = True/False. Reduce number of colours on the generated image +to improve rendering on E-Papers. Set this to False for 9.7” E-Paper.
- +classmethod add_module(filepath) +
registers a third party module for inkycal.
+Uses the full filepath of the third party module to check if it is inside +the correct folder, then checks if it’s an inkycal module. Lastly, the +init files in /inkycal and /inkycal/modules are updated to allow using +the new module.
- Args:
filepath: The full filepath of the third party module. Modules should be +in Inkycal/inkycal/modules.
+- Usage:
download a third-party module. The exact link is provided by the +developer of that module and starts with +https://raw.githubusercontent.com/…
+enter the following in bash to download a module:
+++$ cd Inkycal/inkycal/modules #navigate to modules folder in inkycal +$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/... #download the module +
then register it with this function:
+++>>> from inkycal import Inkycal +>>> Inkycal.add_module('/full/path/to/the/module/in/inkycal/modules.py') +
- +calibrate() +
Calibrate the E-Paper display
+Uses the Display class to calibrate the display with the default of 3 +cycles. After a refresh cycle, a new image is generated and shown.
- +countdown(interval_mins=None) +
Returns the remaining time in seconds until next display update
- +classmethod remove_module(filename, remove_file=True) +
unregisters an inkycal module.
+Looks for given filename.py in /modules folder, removes entries of that +module in init files inside /inkycal and /inkycal/modules
- Args:
filename: The filename (with .py ending) of the module which should be +unregistered. e.g. ‘mymodule.py’
+remove_file: ->bool (True/False). If set to True, the module is deleted +after unregistering it, else it remains in the /modules folder
+- Usage:
Look for the module in Inkycal/inkycal/modules which should be removed. +Only the filename (with .py) is required, not the full path.
+Use this function to unregister the module from inkycal:
+++>>> from inkycal import Inkycal +>>> Inkycal.remove_module('mymodule.py') +
- +run() +
Runs main program in nonstop mode.
+Uses an infinity loop to run Inkycal nonstop. Inkycal generates the image +from all modules, assembles them in one image, refreshed the E-Paper and +then sleeps until the next sheduled update.
- +test() +
Tests if Inkycal can run without issues.
+Attempts to import module names from settings file. Loads the config +for each module and initializes the module. Tries to run the module and +checks if the images could be generated correctly.
+Generated images can be found in the /images folder of Inkycal.
+Inkycal ePaper driving functions +Copyright by aceinnolab
- +class inkycal.display.display.Display(epaper_model) +
Display class for inkycal
+Creates an instance of the driver for the selected E-Paper model and allows +rendering images and calibrating the E-Paper display
- Args:
epaper_model: The name of your E-Paper model.
- +calibrate(cycles=3) +
Calibrates the display to retain crisp colours
+Flushes the selected display several times with it’s supported colours, +removing any previous effects of ghosting.
- Args:
cycles: -> int. The number of times to flush the display with it’s +supported colours.
It’s recommended to calibrate the display after every 6 display updates +for best results. For black-white only displays, calibration is less +critical, but not calibrating regularly results in grey-ish text.
+Please note that calibration takes a while to complete. 3 cycles may +take 10 minutes on black-white E-Papers while it takes 20 minutes on coloured +E-Paper displays.
- +classmethod get_display_names() list +
Prints all supported E-Paper models.
+Fetches all filenames in driver folder and prints them on the console.
- Returns:
Printed version of all supported Displays.
Use one of the models to intilialize the Display class in order to gain +access to the E-Paper.
+You can use this function directly without creating the Display class:
+++>>> Display.get_display_names() +
- +get_display_size() tuple +
Returns the size of the display as a tuple -> (width, height)
- Args:
model_name: str -> The name of the E-Paper display to get it’s size.
+- Returns:
(width, height) ->tuple, showing the size of the display
You can use this function directly without creating the Display class:
+++>>> Display.get_display_size('model_name') +
- +async render(im_black: ~PIL.Image.Image, im_colour=<class 'PIL.Image.Image'>) None +
Renders an image on the selected E-Paper display.
+Initlializes the E-Paper display, sends image data and executes command +to update the display.
- Args:
im_black: The image for the black-pixels. Anything in this image that is +black is rendered as black on the display. This is required and ideally +should be a black-white image.
+im_colour: For E-Paper displays supporting colour, a separate image, +ideally black-white is required for the coloured pixels. Anything that is +black in this image will show up as either red/yellow.
Rendering an image for black-white E-Paper displays:
+++>>> sample_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') +>>> display = Display('my_black_white_display') +>>> display.render(sample_image) +
Rendering black-white on coloured E-Paper displays:
+++>>> sample_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') +>>> display = Display('my_coloured_display') +>>> display.render(sample_image, sample_image) +
Rendering coloured image where 2 images are available:
+++>>> black_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') # black pixels +>>> colour_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') # coloured pixels +>>> display = Display('my_coloured_display') +>>> display.render(black_image, colour_image) +
Custom functions
+Custom functions
+Inkycal custom-functions for ease-of-use
+Copyright by aceinnolab
- +inkycal.custom.functions.auto_fontsize(font, max_height) +
Scales a given font to 80% of max_height.
+Gets the height of a font and scales it until 80% of the max_height +is filled.
- Args:
font: A PIL Font object.
+max_height: An integer representing the height to adjust the font to +which the given font should be scaled to.
+- Returns:
A PIL font object with modified height.
- +inkycal.custom.functions.draw_border(image, xy, size, radius=5, thickness=1, shrinkage=(0.1, 0.1)) +
Draws a border at given coordinates.
- Args:
image: The image on which the border should be drawn (usually im_black or +im_colour.
+xy: Tuple representing the top-left corner of the border e.g. (32, 100) +where 32 is the x co-ordinate and 100 is the y-coordinate.
+size: Size of the border as a tuple -> (width, height).
+radius: Radius of the corners, where 0 = plain rectangle, 5 = round corners.
+thickness: Thickness of the border in pixels.
+shrinkage: A tuple containing decimals presenting a percentage of shrinking +-> (width_shrink_percentage, height_shrink_percentage). +e.g. (0.1, 0.2) ~ shrinks the width of border by 10%, shrinks height of +border by 20%
- +inkycal.custom.functions.get_fonts() +
Print all available fonts by name.
+Searches the /font folder in Inkycal and displays all fonts found in +there.
- Returns:
printed output of all available fonts. To access a fontfile, use the +fonts dictionary to access it.
+++>>> fonts['fontname'] +
To use a font, use the following sytax, where fontname is one of the +printed fonts of this function:
+++>>> ImageFont.truetype(fonts['fontname'], size = 10) +
- +inkycal.custom.functions.get_system_tz() +
Gets the system-timezone
+Gets the timezone set by the system.
- Returns:
A timezone if a system timezone was found.
+None if no timezone was found.
The extracted timezone can be used to show the local time instead of UTC. e.g.
+++>>> import arrow +>>> print(arrow.now()) # returns non-timezone-aware time +>>> print(arrow.now(tz=get_system_tz()) # prints timezone aware time. +
- +inkycal.custom.functions.internet_available() +
checks if the internet is available.
+Attempts to connect to google.com with a timeout of 5 seconds to check +if the network can be reached.
- Returns:
True if connection could be established.
+False if the internet could not be reached.
Returned output can be used to add a check for internet availability:
+++>>> if internet_available(): +>>> #...do something that requires internet connectivity +
- +inkycal.custom.functions.text_wrap(text, font=None, max_width=None) +
Splits a very long text into smaller parts
+Splits a long text to smaller lines which can fit in a line with max_width. +Uses a Font object for more accurate calculations.
- Args:
text -> Text as a string
+font: A PIL font object which is used to calculate the size.
+max_width: int-> a width in pixels defining the maximum width before +splitting the text into the next chunk.
+- Returns:
A list containing chunked strings of the full text.
- +inkycal.custom.functions.write(image, xy, box_size, text, font=None, **kwargs) +
Writes text on a image.
+Writes given text at given position on the specified image.
- Args:
image: The image to draw this text on, usually im_black or im_colour.
+xy: tuple-> (x,y) representing the x and y co-ordinate.
+box_size: tuple -> (width, height) representing the size of the text box.
+text: string, the actual text to add on the image.
+font: A PIL Font object e.g. +ImageFont.truetype(fonts[‘fontname’], size = 10).
+- Args: (optional)
alignment: alignment of the text, use ‘center’, ‘left’, ‘right’.
+autofit: bool (True/False). Automatically increases fontsize to fill in +as much of the box-height as possible.
+colour: black by default, do not change as it causes issues with rendering +on e-Paper.
+rotation: Rotate the text with the text-box by a given angle anti-clockwise.
+fill_width: Decimal representing a percentage e.g. 0.9 # 90%. Fill a +maximum of 90% of the size of the full width of text-box.
+fill_height: Decimal representing a percentage e.g. 0.9 # 90%. Fill a +maximum of 90% of the size of the full height of the text-box.
Helper classes
+Helper classes
+Inkycal iCalendar parsing module +Copyright by aceinnolab
- +class inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar +
iCalendar parsing moudule for inkycal. +Parses events from given iCalendar URLs / paths
- +static all_day(event) +
Check if an event is an all day event. +Returns True if event is all day, else False
- +clear_events() +
clear previously parsed events
- +get_events(timeline_start, timeline_end, timezone=None) +
Input an arrow (time) object for: +* the beginning of timeline (events have to end after this time) +* the end of the timeline (events have to begin before this time) +* timezone if events should be formatted to local time +Returns a list of events sorted by date
- +static get_system_tz() +
Get the timezone set by the system
- +load_from_file(filepath) +
Input a string or list of strings containing valid iCalendar filepaths +example: ‘path1’ (single file) OR [‘path1’, ‘path2’] (multiple files) +returns a list of iCalendars as string (raw)
- +load_url(url, username=None, password=None) +
Input a string or list of strings containing valid iCalendar URLs +example: ‘URL1’ (single url) OR [‘URL1’, ‘URL2’] (multiple URLs) +add username and password to access protected files
- +show_events(fmt='DD MMM YY HH:mm') +
print all parsed events in a more readable way +use the format (fmt) parameter to specify the date format +see https://arrow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#supported-tokens +for more info tokens
- +sort() +
Sort all parsed events in order of beginning time
Custom image class for Inkycal Project +Takes care of handling images. Made to be used by other modules to handle +images.
+Copyright by aceinnolab
- +class inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage(image=None) +
Custom Imge class written for commonly used image operations.
- +autoflip(layout) +
flips the image automatically to the given layout.
- Args:
layout:-> str. Choose horizontal or vertical.
Checks the image’s width and height.
+In horizontal mode, the image is flipped if the image height is greater +than the image width.
+In vertical mode, the image is flipped if the image width is greater +than the image height.
- +clear() +
Removes currently saved image if present.
- +flip(angle) +
Flips the image by the given angle.
- Args:
angle:->int. A multiple of 90, e.g. 90, 180, 270, 360.
- +load(path) +
loads an image from a URL or filepath.
- Args:
path:The full path or url of the image file +e.g. https://sample.com/logo.png or /home/pi/Downloads/nice_pic.png
+- Raises:
FileNotFoundError: This Exception is raised when the file could not be +found.
+OSError: A OSError is raised when the URL doesn’t point to the correct +file-format, i.e. is not an image
+TypeError: if the URLS doesn’t start with htpp
- +static merge(image1, image2) +
Merges two images into one.
+Replaces white pixels of the first image with transparent ones. Then pastes +the first image on the second one.
- Args:
image1: A PIL Image object in ‘RGBA’ mode.
+image2: A PIL Image object in ‘RGBA’ mode.
+- Returns:
A single image.
- +static preview(image) +
“Previews an image on gpicview (only works on Rapsbian with Desktop).
- +remove_alpha() +
Removes transparency if image has transparency.
+Checks if an image has an alpha band and replaces the transparency with +white pixels.
- +resize(width=None, height=None) +
Resize an image to desired width or height
- +to_palette(palette, dither=True) +
Maps an image to a given colour palette.
+Maps each pixel from the image to a colour from the palette.
- Args:
palette: A supported token. (see below)
+dither:->bool. Use dithering? Set to False for solid colour fills.
+- Returns:
two images: one for the coloured band and one for the black band.
+- Raises:
ValueError if palette token is not supported
Supported palette tokens:
+++>>> 'bwr' # black-white-red +>>> 'bwy' # black-white-yellow +>>> 'bw' # black-white +
- Inkycal -
- Display -
- Custom functions -
- Helper classes +
- Display +
- Custom functions +
- Helper classes
- About Inkycal
- Quickstart
- Installing Inkycal @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- Inkycal -
- Display -
- Custom functions -
- Helper classes +
- Display +
- Custom functions +
- Helper classes
- About Inkycal
- Quickstart
- Developer documentation diff --git a/docs/searchindex.js b/docs/searchindex.js index 1e582ea..15ba625 100644 --- a/docs/searchindex.js +++ b/docs/searchindex.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -Search.setIndex({"docnames": ["about", "dev_doc", "index", "inkycal", "quickstart"], "filenames": ["about.md", "dev_doc.md", "index.rst", "inkycal.rst", "quickstart.md"], "titles": ["About Inkycal", "Developer documentation", "Inkycal documentation", "Inkycal", "Quickstart"], "terms": {"i": [0, 1], "python3": 0, "softwar": 0, "select": 0, "e": [0, 4], "paper": 0, "displai": [0, 2], "It": 0, "": 0, "open": 0, "sourc": 0, "non": 0, "commerci": 0, "fulli": 0, "modular": 0, "user": 0, "friendli": 0, "even": 0, "run": 0, "well": 0, "raspberri": [0, 4], "pi": [0, 4], "zero": 0, "ha": 0, "web": [0, 4], "ui": [0, 4], "which": 0, "take": 0, "care": 0, "ad": 0, "your": [0, 4], "detail": 0, "No": 0, "more": [0, 4], "edit": 0, "file": [0, 2], "yai": 0, "parti": [0, 1], "_": 0, "face": 0, "The": 0, "main": 0, "idea": 0, 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"inkycal.display.display.Display.calibrate"]], "calibrate() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.calibrate"]], "clear() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.clear"]], "clear_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.clear_events"]], "countdown() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.countdown"]], "draw_border() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.draw_border"]], "flip() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.flip"]], "get_display_names() (inkycal.display.display.display class method)": [[3, "inkycal.display.display.Display.get_display_names"]], "get_display_size() (inkycal.display.display.display method)": [[3, "inkycal.display.display.Display.get_display_size"]], "get_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.get_events"]], "get_fonts() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.get_fonts"]], "get_system_tz() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.get_system_tz"]], "get_system_tz() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.get_system_tz"]], "icalendar (class in inkycal.modules.ical_parser)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar"]], "inkycal.custom.functions": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions"]], "inkycal.display.display": [[3, "module-inkycal.display.display"]], "inkycal.main": [[3, "module-inkycal.main"]], "inkycal.modules.ical_parser": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser"]], "inkycal.modules.inky_image": [[3, "module-inkycal.modules.inky_image"]], "internet_available() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.internet_available"]], "load() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.load"]], "load_from_file() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.load_from_file"]], "load_url() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.load_url"]], "merge() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.merge"]], "module": [[3, "module-inkycal.custom.functions"], [3, "module-inkycal.display.display"], [3, "module-inkycal.main"], [3, "module-inkycal.modules.ical_parser"], [3, "module-inkycal.modules.inky_image"]], "preview() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage static method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.preview"]], "remove_alpha() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.remove_alpha"]], "remove_module() (inkycal.main.inkycal class method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.remove_module"]], "render() (inkycal.display.display.display method)": [[3, "inkycal.display.display.Display.render"]], "resize() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.resize"]], "run() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.run"]], "show_events() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.show_events"]], "sort() (inkycal.modules.ical_parser.icalendar method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.ical_parser.iCalendar.sort"]], "test() (inkycal.main.inkycal method)": [[3, "inkycal.main.Inkycal.test"]], "text_wrap() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.text_wrap"]], "to_palette() (inkycal.modules.inky_image.inkyimage method)": [[3, "inkycal.modules.inky_image.Inkyimage.to_palette"]], "write() (in module inkycal.custom.functions)": [[3, "inkycal.custom.functions.write"]]}}) \ No newline at end of file
-+ Installing Inkycal
Install inkycal directly via the GitHub repo:
# clone the repo diff --git a/docs/search.html b/docs/search.html index 7047887..96410e9 100644 --- a/docs/search.html +++ b/docs/search.html @@ -46,9 +46,9 @@