diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 508f9a0..67e387f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,85 +1,66 @@
-# Refactoring branch. Work in progress!
-Please do not use this branch as this is in pre-alpha stage. It it only intended for development purposes.
+# Welcome to inkycal v2.0.0 BETA!
+A python3 software for displaying events (from iCalendars), weather (from openweathermap) and RSS feeds on selected E-Paper displays (4.2", 5.83", 7.5"(v1), 7.5"(v2)) from Waveshare/GoodDisplay.
+Inkycal v2.0.0 BETA is a refactoring of the previous release. It aims to fix certain problems with the previous release, including but not limited to:
-## Short Summary
-Aim of refactoring:
* [x] Use settings.json file instead of .py file
* [x] Fully dynamic images (changable section sizes)
* [x] No preferred module positions or sizes
* [x] Switch from scripts to classes
-* [ ] Allow using pip3 install .... to install inkycal
+* [x] Allow using `pip3 install inkycal` to install inkycal
* [x] Update dependencies
* [x] Switch from ics to icalendar library for better parsing of iCalendars
-* [ ] Allow using on windows (no-render mode)
+* [x] Allow using on windows (no-render mode)
* [x] Implement features from dev branch
+* [x] Make it easier for developers (and beginners) to create their own custom module
* [ ] Implement testing for each module
+* [ ] Add support for 9.7" ePaper
+* [ ] Add support for iCalendars requiring authentification
-## Testing
-While the main file is incomplete, you can still try out a few tests. To run these tests, please follow the steps below:
-* Clone this branch:
-`git clone -b dev_ver2_0 https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar inkycal`
-* Navigate to inkycal directory:
-`cd inkycal`
-* run tests:
-`python3 dev_tests.py`
-## Info
-The main folder is now inkcal.
-Folder structure:
+## How to test BETA
+Please note that while inkycal is in BETA, a lot of things will change in a short time. This means that problems are fixed on-the-go. If you encounter a problem, please mention it on Discord
+### Installation
-| Inkycal.py -main file (work in progress)
-| __init__.py
-| layout.py -handles layout of image (size, section-sizes)
-| parser.py -parse the settings.json file
-| settings.json -JSON file for all the user-config
-| __init__.py
-| functions.py -custom functions of inkycal-software (writing text, etc..)
-| __init__.py
-| | __init__.py
-| |
-| \---drivers - drivers....
-| epdconfig.py
-| epd_4_in_2.py
-| epd_4_in_2_colour.py
-| epd_5_in_83.py
-| epd_5_in_83_colour.py
-| epd_7_in_5.py
-| epd_7_in_5_colour.py
-| epd_7_in_5_v2.py
-| epd_7_in_5_v2_colour.py
-| __init__.py
-\---modules - folder containing all modules
- ical_parser.py - parses icalendars
- inkycal_rss.py - parses rss feeds
- inkycal_weather.py - parses weather from openweathermap
- __init__.py
+# clone this branch
+git clone -b dev_ver2_0 https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar Inkycal
+# go to Inkycal directory
+cd Inkycal
+# install Inkycal
+pip3 install -e ./
+### Creating settings file
+### Running Inkycal
+# Open Python3 and import package
+from inkycal import Inkycal
+ink = Inkycal()
+# Please ignore anything after this, work in progress from here on----------------------------
- [](https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/releases)
- [](https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/pyowm.svg)
- [](https://github.com/aceisace/Inky-Calendar/blob/Stable/LICENSE)
- [](https://www.paypal.me/SaadNaseer)
-A python3 software for displaying events (from iCalendars), weather (from openweathermap) and RSS feeds on selected E-Paper displays (4.2", 5.83", 7.5"(v1), 7.5"(v2)) from Waveshare/GoodDisplay.
## Main features
* Monthly Calendar that shows events from your Google (or other) iCalendar/s