diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5bc33fa..107c6f4 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Inkycal is fully modular, you can mix and match any modules you like and configu * Stocks - Display stocks using Tickers from Yahoo! Finance. * Weather - Show current weather, daily or hourly weather forecasts from openweathermap. * Todoist - Synchronise with Todoist app or website to show todos. -* iCanHazDad - Display a random joke from iCanhazdad.com. +* iCanHazDad - Display a random joke from [iCanHazDad.com](iCanhazdad.com). ## Preview

@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Inkycal is fully modular, you can mix and match any modules you like and configu ## Hardware required * One of the supported ePaper displays from waveshare: 4.2", 5.83", 7.5", 7.8"(!), 9.7"(!), 10.3"(!) -* Any Raspberry Pi with 40 pins and Wi-Fi. (Raspberry Pi 4/3/3B/3B+/3A/4/0W/0WH - Inkycal runs just fine on the Zero W/Zero WH model!) +* Any Raspberry Pi with 40 pins and Wi-Fi. (Raspberry Pi 4/3/3B/3B+/3A/0W/0WH - Inkycal runs just fine on the Zero W/Zero WH model!) * MicroSD card (min. 4GB) for flashing Raspberry Pi OS * MicroUSB cable (for power) * Optional, a [3D-printable case](https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/wiki/3D-printable-files) @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Inkycal is fully modular, you can mix and match any modules you like and configu (!) -> These displays are parallel displays, featuring 16 greyscales, much faster refreshs, but are more expensive and require a bigger driver board ## Important note for Raspberry Pi OS! -Please note that with the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS, there no longer is the default user pi, as it is (now) considered a security risk. You will now have to set both, a new username and password. While the fix in the software is in progress, please use the Raspberry Pi flashing tool and set the username via the gear button to `pi`. Special thanks to LakesideMiners [Discord] for the note. Here is a GIF showing how to set a username in the new Raspberry Pi OS: +Please note that with the latest version of Raspberry Pi OS, there no longer is the default user pi, as it is (now) considered a security risk. You will now have to set both, a new username and password. While the fix in the software is in progress, please use the Raspberry Pi flashing tool and set the username via the gear button to `pi`. Special thanks to LakesideMiners from the [Discord] for the note. Here is a GIF showing how to set a username this way! raspberry-pi-os-add-user