""" Inkycal Image Module Copyright by aceinnolab """ from inkycal.custom import * from inkycal.modules.inky_image import image_to_palette from inkycal.modules.inky_image import Inkyimage as Images from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Inkyimage(inkycal_module): """Displays an image from URL or local path""" name = "Inkycal Image - show an image from a URL or local path" requires = { "path": { "label": "Path to a local folder, e.g. /home/pi/Desktop/images. " "Only PNG and JPG/JPEG images are used for the slideshow." }, "palette": {"label": "Which palette should be used for converting images?", "options": ["bw", "bwr", "bwy"]}, } optional = { "autoflip": {"label": "Should the image be flipped automatically?", "options": [True, False]}, "orientation": {"label": "Please select the desired orientation", "options": ["vertical", "horizontal"]}, } def __init__(self, config): """Initialize module""" super().__init__(config) config = config["config"] # required parameters for param in self.requires: if not param in config: raise Exception(f"config is missing {param}") # optional parameters self.path = config["path"] self.palette = config["palette"] self.autoflip = config["autoflip"] self.orientation = config["orientation"] self.dither = True if "dither" in config and config["dither"] == False: self.dither = False # give an OK message logger.debug(f"{__name__} loaded") def generate_image(self): """Generate image for this module""" # Define new image size with respect to padding im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left)) im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top)) im_size = im_width, im_height logger.info(f"Image size: {im_size}") # initialize custom image class im = Images() # use the image at the first index im.load(self.path) # Remove background if present im.remove_alpha() # if auto-flip was enabled, flip the image if self.autoflip: im.autoflip(self.orientation) # resize the image so it can fit on the epaper im.resize(width=im_width, height=im_height) # convert images according to specified palette im_black, im_colour = image_to_palette(image=im.image.convert("RGB"), palette=self.palette, dither=self.dither) # with the images now send, clear the current image im.clear() # return images return im_black, im_colour if __name__ == "__main__": print(f"running {__name__} in standalone/debug mode")