#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Drivers file for Inky-Calendar software. Handles E-Paper display related tasks """ from PIL import Image import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from settings import display_type import numpy import spidev import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from time import sleep RST_PIN = 17 DC_PIN = 25 CS_PIN = 8 BUSY_PIN = 24 EPD_WIDTH = 640 EPD_HEIGHT = 384 SPI = spidev.SpiDev(0, 0) def epd_digital_write(pin, value): GPIO.output(pin, value) def epd_digital_read(pin): return GPIO.input(BUSY_PIN) def epd_delay_ms(delaytime): sleep(delaytime / 1000.0) def spi_transfer(data): SPI.writebytes(data) def epd_init(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup(RST_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(DC_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(CS_PIN, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BUSY_PIN, GPIO.IN) SPI.max_speed_hz = 2000000 SPI.mode = 0b00 return 0; # EPD7IN5 commands PANEL_SETTING = 0x00 POWER_SETTING = 0x01 POWER_OFF = 0x02 POWER_OFF_SEQUENCE_SETTING = 0x03 POWER_ON = 0x04 POWER_ON_MEASURE = 0x05 BOOSTER_SOFT_START = 0x06 DEEP_SLEEP = 0x07 DATA_START_TRANSMISSION_1 = 0x10 DATA_STOP = 0x11 DISPLAY_REFRESH = 0x12 IMAGE_PROCESS = 0x13 LUT_FOR_VCOM = 0x20 LUT_BLUE = 0x21 LUT_WHITE = 0x22 LUT_GRAY_1 = 0x23 LUT_GRAY_2 = 0x24 LUT_RED_0 = 0x25 LUT_RED_1 = 0x26 LUT_RED_2 = 0x27 LUT_RED_3 = 0x28 LUT_XON = 0x29 PLL_CONTROL = 0x30 TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_COMMAND = 0x40 TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION = 0x41 TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_WRITE = 0x42 TEMPERATURE_SENSOR_READ = 0x43 VCOM_AND_DATA_INTERVAL_SETTING = 0x50 LOW_POWER_DETECTION = 0x51 TCON_SETTING = 0x60 TCON_RESOLUTION = 0x61 SPI_FLASH_CONTROL = 0x65 REVISION = 0x70 GET_STATUS = 0x71 AUTO_MEASUREMENT_VCOM = 0x80 READ_VCOM_VALUE = 0x81 VCM_DC_SETTING = 0x82 class EPD: def __init__(self): self.reset_pin = RST_PIN self.dc_pin = DC_PIN self.busy_pin = BUSY_PIN self.width = EPD_WIDTH self.height = EPD_HEIGHT def digital_write(self, pin, value): epd_digital_write(pin, value) def digital_read(self, pin): return epd_digital_read(pin) def delay_ms(self, delaytime): epd_delay_ms(delaytime) def send_command(self, command): self.digital_write(self.dc_pin, GPIO.LOW) spi_transfer([command]) def send_data(self, data): self.digital_write(self.dc_pin, GPIO.HIGH) spi_transfer([data]) def init(self): if (epd_init() != 0): return -1 self.reset() self.send_command(POWER_SETTING) self.send_data(0x37) self.send_data(0x00) self.send_command(PANEL_SETTING) self.send_data(0xCF) self.send_data(0x08) self.send_command(BOOSTER_SOFT_START) self.send_data(0xc7) self.send_data(0xcc) self.send_data(0x28) self.send_command(POWER_ON) self.wait_until_idle() self.send_command(PLL_CONTROL) self.send_data(0x3c) self.send_command(TEMPERATURE_CALIBRATION) self.send_data(0x00) self.send_command(VCOM_AND_DATA_INTERVAL_SETTING) self.send_data(0x77) self.send_command(TCON_SETTING) self.send_data(0x22) self.send_command(TCON_RESOLUTION) self.send_data(0x02) #source 640 self.send_data(0x80) self.send_data(0x01) #gate 384 self.send_data(0x80) self.send_command(VCM_DC_SETTING) self.send_data(0x1E) #decide by LUT file self.send_command(0xe5) #FLASH MODE self.send_data(0x03) def wait_until_idle(self): while(self.digital_read(self.busy_pin) == 0): # 0: busy, 1: idle self.delay_ms(100) def reset(self): self.digital_write(self.reset_pin, GPIO.LOW) # module reset self.delay_ms(200) self.digital_write(self.reset_pin, GPIO.HIGH) self.delay_ms(200) def calibrate_display(no_of_cycles): """Function for Calibration""" black = Image.new('1', (EPD_WIDTH, EPD_HEIGHT), 'black') white = Image.new('1', (EPD_WIDTH, EPD_HEIGHT), 'white') red = Image.new('RGB', (EPD_WIDTH, EPD_HEIGHT), 'red') print('----------Started calibration of E-Paper display----------') for _ in range(no_of_cycles): print('Calibrating black...') self.show_image(black) if display_type == "colour": print('calibrating red...') self.show_image(red) print('Calibrating white...') self.show_image(white) print('Cycle {0} of {1} complete'.format(_+1, no_of_cycles)) print('-----------Calibration complete----------') def reduce_colours(self, image): buffer = numpy.array(image) r,g,b = buffer[:,:,0], buffer[:,:,1], buffer[:,:,2] if display_type == "colour": buffer[numpy.logical_and(r > 245, g > 245)] = [255,255,255] #white buffer[numpy.logical_and(r > 245, g < 245)] = [255,0,0] #red buffer[numpy.logical_and(r != 255, r == g )] = [0,0,0] #black if display_type == "black_and_white": buffer[numpy.logical_and(r > 245, g > 245)] = [255,255,255] #white buffer[g < 255] = [0,0,0] #black image = Image.fromarray(buffer) return image def get_frame_buffer(self, image): imwidth, imheight = image.size if imwidth == self.height and imheight == self.width: image = image.rotate(270, expand = True) print('Rotated image by 270 degrees...', end= '') elif imwidth != self.width or imheight != self.height: raise ValueError('Image must be same dimensions as display \ ({0}x{1}).' .format(self.width, self.height)) else: print('Image size OK') imwidth, imheight = image.size if display_type == 'colour': buf = [0x00] * int(self.width * self.height / 4) image_grayscale = image.convert('L', dither=None) pixels = image_grayscale.load() for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): # Set the bits for the column of pixels at the current position. if pixels[x, y] == 0: # black buf[int((x + y * self.width) / 4)] &= ~(0xC0 >> (x % 4 * 2)) elif pixels[x, y] == 76: # convert gray to red buf[int((x + y * self.width) / 4)] &= ~(0xC0 >> (x % 4 * 2)) buf[int((x + y * self.width) / 4)] |= 0x40 >> (x % 4 * 2) else: # white buf[int((x + y * self.width) / 4)] |= 0xC0 >> (x % 4 * 2) if display_type == 'black_and_white': buf = [0x00] * int(self.width * self.height / 8) image_monocolor = image.convert('1') pixels = image_monocolor.load() for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): # Set the bits for the column of pixels at the current position. if pixels[x, y] != 0: buf[int((x + y * self.width) / 8)] |= 0x80 >> (x % 8) return buf def display_frame(self, frame_buffer): self.send_command(DATA_START_TRANSMISSION_1) if display_type == 'colour': for i in range(0, int(self.width / 4 * self.height)): temp1 = frame_buffer[i] j = 0 while (j < 4): if ((temp1 & 0xC0) == 0xC0): temp2 = 0x03 elif ((temp1 & 0xC0) == 0x00): temp2 = 0x00 else: temp2 = 0x04 temp2 = (temp2 << 4) & 0xFF temp1 = (temp1 << 2) & 0xFF j += 1 if((temp1 & 0xC0) == 0xC0): temp2 |= 0x03 elif ((temp1 & 0xC0) == 0x00): temp2 |= 0x00 else: temp2 |= 0x04 temp1 = (temp1 << 2) & 0xFF self.send_data(temp2) j += 1 if display_type == 'black_and_white': for i in range(0, 30720): temp1 = frame_buffer[i] j = 0 while (j < 8): if(temp1 & 0x80): temp2 = 0x03 else: temp2 = 0x00 temp2 = (temp2 << 4) & 0xFF temp1 = (temp1 << 1) & 0xFF j += 1 if(temp1 & 0x80): temp2 |= 0x03 else: temp2 |= 0x00 temp1 = (temp1 << 1) & 0xFF self.send_data(temp2) j += 1 self.send_command(DISPLAY_REFRESH) self.delay_ms(100) self.wait_until_idle() def show_image(self, image, reduce_colours = True): print('Initialising E-Paper Display...', end='') self.init() sleep(5) print('Done') if reduce_colours == True: print('Optimising Image for E-Paper displays...', end = '') image = self.reduce_colours(image) print('Done') else: print('No colour optimisation done on image') print('Creating image buffer and sending it to E-Paper display...', end='') data = self.get_frame_buffer(image) print('Done') print('Refreshing display...', end = '') self.display_frame(data) print('Done') print('Sending E-Paper to deep sleep mode...',end='') self.sleep() print('Done') def sleep(self): self.send_command(POWER_OFF) self.wait_until_idle() self.send_command(DEEP_SLEEP) self.send_data(0xa5)