#!python3 """ Agenda test (inkycal_agenda) Copyright by aceisace """ import unittest from inkycal.modules import Agenda as Module from helper_functions import * environment = get_environment() # Set to True to preview images. Only works on Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop use_preview = False sample_url = "https://www.officeholidays.com/ics-fed/usa" tests = [ { "name": "Agenda", "config": { "size": [400, 200], "ical_urls": sample_url, "ical_files": None, "date_format": "ddd D MMM", "time_format": "HH:mm", "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en" } }, { "name": "Agenda", "config": { "size": [500, 800], "ical_urls": sample_url, "ical_files": None, "date_format": "ddd D MMM", "time_format": "HH:mm", "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en" } }, { "position": 1, "name": "Agenda", "config": { "size": [300, 800], "ical_urls": sample_url, "ical_files": None, "date_format": "ddd D MMM", "time_format": "HH:mm", "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en" } }, ] class module_test(unittest.TestCase): def test_get_config(self): print('getting data for web-ui...', end="") Module.get_config() print('OK') def test_generate_image(self): for test in tests: print(f'test {tests.index(test) + 1} generating image..') module = Module(test) im_black, im_colour = module.generate_image() print('OK') if use_preview == True and environment == 'Raspberry': preview(merge(im_black, im_colour)) if __name__ == '__main__': logger = logging.getLogger() logger.level = logging.DEBUG logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) unittest.main()