""" Inkycal ePaper driving functions Copyright by aceisace """ import os import logging import traceback from importlib import import_module from PIL import Image from inkycal.custom import top_level import glob def import_driver(model): return import_module(f'inkycal.display.drivers.{model}') class Display: """Display class for inkycal Creates an instance of the driver for the selected E-Paper model and allows rendering images and calibrating the E-Paper display Args: - epaper_model: The name of your E-Paper model. """ def __init__(self, epaper_model): """Load the drivers for this epaper model""" if 'colour' in epaper_model: self.supports_colour = True else: self.supports_colour = False try: driver = import_driver(epaper_model) self._epaper = driver.EPD() self.model_name = epaper_model except ImportError: raise Exception('This module is not supported. Check your spellings?') except FileNotFoundError: raise Exception('SPI could not be found. Please check if SPI is enabled') def render(self, im_black: Image, im_colour:Image or None=None) -> None: """Renders an image on the selected E-Paper display. Initlializes the E-Paper display, sends image data and executes command to update the display. Args: - im_black: The image for the black-pixels. Anything in this image that is black is rendered as black on the display. This is required and ideally should be a black-white image. - im_colour: For E-Paper displays supporting colour, a separate image, ideally black-white is required for the coloured pixels. Anything that is black in this image will show up as either red/yellow. Rendering an image for black-white E-Paper displays: >>> sample_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') >>> display = Display('my_black_white_display') >>> display.render(sample_image) Rendering black-white on coloured E-Paper displays: >>> sample_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') >>> display = Display('my_coloured_display') >>> display.render(sample_image, sample_image) Rendering coloured image where 2 images are available: >>> black_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') # black pixels >>> colour_image = Image.open('path/to/file.png') # coloured pixels >>> display = Display('my_coloured_display') >>> display.render(black_image, colour_image) """ epaper = self._epaper if self.supports_colour: if not im_colour: raise Exception('im_colour is required for coloured epaper displays') print('Initialising..', end='') epaper.init() print('Updating display......', end='') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(im_black), epaper.getbuffer(im_colour)) print('Done') else: print('Initialising..', end='') epaper.init() print('Updating display......', end='') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(im_black)) print('Done') print('Sending E-Paper to deep sleep...', end='') epaper.sleep() print('Done') def calibrate(self, cycles=3): """Calibrates the display to retain crisp colours Flushes the selected display several times with it's supported colours, removing any previous effects of ghosting. Args: - cycles: -> int. The number of times to flush the display with it's supported colours. It's recommended to calibrate the display after every 6 display updates for best results. For black-white only displays, calibration is less critical, but not calibrating regularly results in grey-ish text. Please note that calibration takes a while to complete. 3 cycles may take 10 minutes on black-white E-Papers while it takes 20 minutes on coloured E-Paper displays. """ epaper = self._epaper epaper.init() display_size = self.get_display_size(self.model_name) white = Image.new('1', display_size, 'white') black = Image.new('1', display_size, 'black') print('----------Started calibration of ePaper display----------') if self.supports_colour: for _ in range(cycles): print('Calibrating...', end=' ') print('black...', end=' ') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(black), epaper.getbuffer(white)) print('colour...', end=' ') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white), epaper.getbuffer(black)) print('white...') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white), epaper.getbuffer(white)) print(f'Cycle {_ + 1} of {cycles} complete') if not self.supports_colour: for _ in range(cycles): print('Calibrating...', end=' ') print('black...', end=' ') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(black)) print('white...') epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white)), print(f'Cycle {_ + 1} of {cycles} complete') print('-----------Calibration complete----------') epaper.sleep() @classmethod def get_display_size(cls, model_name) -> (int, int): """Returns the size of the display as a tuple -> (width, height) Looks inside "drivers" folder for the given model name, then returns it's size. Args: - model_name: str -> The name of the E-Paper display to get it's size. Returns: (width, height) ->tuple, showing the size of the display You can use this function directly without creating the Display class: >>> Display.get_display_size('model_name') """ try: driver = import_driver(model_name) return driver.EPD_WIDTH, driver.EPD_HEIGHT except: logging.error(f'Failed to load driver for ${model_name}. Check spelling?') print(traceback.format_exc()) raise AssertionError("Could not import driver") @classmethod def get_display_names(cls) -> list: """Prints all supported E-Paper models. Fetches all filenames in driver folder and prints them on the console. Returns: Printed version of all supported Displays. Use one of the models to intilialize the Display class in order to gain access to the E-Paper. You can use this function directly without creating the Display class: >>> Display.get_display_names() """ driver_files = top_level + '/inkycal/display/drivers/' drivers = [i for i in os.listdir(driver_files) if i.endswith(".py") and not i.startswith("__") and "_" in i] return drivers if __name__ == '__main__': print("Running Display class in standalone mode")