# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Weather module for Inky-Calendar software.
Copyright by aceisace

from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module
from inkycal.custom import *

import math, decimal
import arrow
from locale import getdefaultlocale as sys_locale

  from pyowm.owm import OWM
except ImportError:
  print('pyowm is not installed! Please install with:')
  print('pip3 install pyowm')

filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0]
logger = logging.getLogger(filename)

class Weather(inkycal_module):
  """Weather class
  parses weather details from openweathermap
  name = "Weather (openweathermap) - Get weather forecasts from openweathermap"

  requires = {

    "api_key" : {
      "label":"Please enter openweathermap api-key. You can create one for free on openweathermap",

    "location": {
      "label":"Please enter your location in the following format: City, Country-Code. "+
              "You can also enter the location ID found in the url "+
              "e.g. https://openweathermap.org/city/4893171 -> ID is 4893171"

  optional = {

    "round_temperature": {
      "label":"Round temperature to the nearest degree?",
      "options": [True, False],

    "round_windspeed": {
      "label":"Round windspeed?",
      "options": [True, False],

    "forecast_interval": {
      "label":"Please select the forecast interval",
      "options": ["daily", "hourly"],

    "units": {
      "label": "Which units should be used?",
      "options": ["metric", "imperial"],

    "hour_format": {
      "label": "Which hour format do you prefer?",
      "options": [24, 12],

    "use_beaufort": {
      "label": "Use beaufort scale for windspeed?",
      "options": [True, False],


  def __init__(self, config):
    """Initialize inkycal_weather module"""


    config = config['config']

    # Check if all required parameters are present
    for param in self.requires:
      if not param in config:
        raise Exception(f'config is missing {param}')

    # required parameters
    self.api_key = config['api_key']
    self.location = config['location']

    # optional parameters
    self.round_temperature = config['round_temperature']
    self.round_windspeed = config['round_windspeed']
    self.forecast_interval = config['forecast_interval']
    self.units = config['units']
    self.hour_format = int(config['hour_format'])
    self.use_beaufort = config['use_beaufort']

    # additional configuration
    self.owm = OWM(self.api_key).weather_manager()
    self.timezone = get_system_tz()
    self.locale = config['language']
    self.weatherfont = ImageFont.truetype(
      fonts['weathericons-regular-webfont'], size = self.fontsize)

    # give an OK message
    print(f"{filename} loaded")

  def generate_image(self):
    """Generate image for this module"""

    # Define new image size with respect to padding
    im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
    im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
    im_size = im_width, im_height
    logger.info(f'Image size: {im_size}')

    # Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels
    im_black = Image.new('RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
    im_colour = Image.new('RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')

    # Check if internet is available
    if internet_available() == True:
      logger.info('Connection test passed')
      logger.exception('Network could not be reached :(')

    def get_moon_phase():
      """Calculate the current (approximate) moon phase"""

      dec = decimal.Decimal
      diff = now - arrow.get(2001, 1, 1)
      days = dec(diff.days) + (dec(diff.seconds) / dec(86400))
      lunations = dec("0.20439731") + (days * dec("0.03386319269"))
      position = lunations % dec(1)
      index = math.floor((position * dec(8)) + dec("0.5"))
      return {0: '\uf095',1: '\uf099',2: '\uf09c',3: '\uf0a0',
             4: '\uf0a3',5: '\uf0a7',6: '\uf0aa',7: '\uf0ae' }[int(index) & 7]

    def is_negative(temp):
      """Check if temp is below freezing point of water (0°C/30°F)
      returns True if temp below freezing point, else False"""
      answer = False

      if temp_unit == 'celsius' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
        answer = True
      elif temp_unit == 'fahrenheit' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
        answer = True
      return answer

    # Lookup-table for weather icons and weather codes
    weathericons = {
      '01d': '\uf00d', '02d': '\uf002', '03d': '\uf013',
      '04d': '\uf012', '09d': '\uf01a ', '10d': '\uf019',
      '11d': '\uf01e', '13d': '\uf01b', '50d': '\uf014',
      '01n': '\uf02e', '02n': '\uf013', '03n': '\uf013',
      '04n': '\uf013', '09n': '\uf037', '10n': '\uf036',
      '11n': '\uf03b', '13n': '\uf038', '50n': '\uf023'

    def draw_icon(image, xy, box_size, icon, rotation = None):
      """Custom function to add icons of weather font on image
      image = on which image should the text be added?
      xy = xy-coordinates as tuple -> (x,y)
      box_size = size of text-box -> (width,height)
      icon = icon-unicode, looks this up in weathericons dictionary
      x,y = xy
      box_width, box_height = box_size
      text = icon
      font = self.weatherfont

      # Increase fontsize to fit specified height and width of text box
      size = 8
      font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
      text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)

      while (text_width < int(box_width * 0.9) and
             text_height < int(box_height * 0.9)):
        size += 1
        font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
        text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)

      text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)

      # Align text to desired position
      x = int((box_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
      y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))

      # Draw the text in the text-box
      draw  = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
      space = Image.new('RGBA', (box_width, box_height))
      ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill='black', font=font)

      if rotation != None:
        space.rotate(rotation, expand = True)

      # Update only region with text (add text with transparent background)
      image.paste(space, xy, space)

#   column1    column2    column3    column4    column5    column6    column7
# |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# |  time    | temperat.| moonphase| forecast1| forecast2| forecast3| forecast4|
# | current  |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# | weather  | humidity |  sunrise |  icon1   |  icon2   |  icon3   |  icon4   |
# |  icon    |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# |          | windspeed|  sunset  | temperat.| temperat.| temperat.| temperat.|
# |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|

    # Calculate size rows and columns
    col_width = im_width // 7

    # Ratio width height
    image_ratio = im_width / im_height

    if image_ratio >= 4:
      row_height = im_height // 3
      logger.info('Please consider decreasing the height.')
      row_height = int( (im_height* (1-im_height/im_width)) / 3 )

    logger.debug(f"row_height: {row_height} | col_width: {col_width}")

    # Calculate spacings for better centering
    spacing_top = int( (im_width % col_width) / 2 )
    spacing_left = int( (im_height % row_height) / 2 )

    # Define sizes for weather icons
    icon_small = int(col_width / 3)
    icon_medium = icon_small * 2
    icon_large = icon_small * 3

    # Calculate the x-axis position of each col
    col1 = spacing_top
    col2 = col1 + col_width
    col3 = col2 + col_width
    col4 = col3 + col_width
    col5 = col4 + col_width
    col6 = col5 + col_width
    col7 = col6 + col_width

    # Calculate the y-axis position of each row
    line_gap = int((im_height - spacing_top - 3*row_height) // 4)

    row1 = line_gap
    row2 = row1 + line_gap + row_height
    row3 = row2+ line_gap + row_height

    # Draw lines on each row and border
##    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_black)
##    draw.line((0, 0, im_width, 0), fill='red')
##    draw.line((0, im_height-1, im_width, im_height-1), fill='red')
##    draw.line((0, row1, im_width, row1), fill='black')
##    draw.line((0, row1+row_height, im_width, row1+row_height), fill='black')
##    draw.line((0, row2, im_width, row2), fill='black')
##    draw.line((0, row2+row_height, im_width, row2+row_height), fill='black')
##    draw.line((0, row3, im_width, row3), fill='black')
##    draw.line((0, row3+row_height, im_width, row3+row_height), fill='black')

    # Positions for current weather details
    weather_icon_pos = (col1, 0)
    temperature_icon_pos = (col2, row1)
    temperature_pos = (col2+icon_small, row1)
    humidity_icon_pos = (col2, row2)
    humidity_pos = (col2+icon_small, row2)
    windspeed_icon_pos = (col2, row3)
    windspeed_pos = (col2+icon_small, row3)

    # Positions for sunrise, sunset, moonphase
    moonphase_pos = (col3, row1)
    sunrise_icon_pos = (col3, row2)
    sunrise_time_pos = (col3+icon_small, row2)
    sunset_icon_pos = (col3, row3)
    sunset_time_pos = (col3+ icon_small, row3)

    # Positions for forecast 1
    stamp_fc1 = (col4, row1)
    icon_fc1 = (col4, row1+row_height)
    temp_fc1 = (col4, row3)

    # Positions for forecast 2
    stamp_fc2 = (col5, row1)
    icon_fc2 = (col5, row1+row_height)
    temp_fc2 = (col5, row3)

    # Positions for forecast 3
    stamp_fc3 = (col6, row1)
    icon_fc3 = (col6, row1+row_height)
    temp_fc3 = (col6, row3)

    # Positions for forecast 4
    stamp_fc4 = (col7, row1)
    icon_fc4 = (col7, row1+row_height)
    temp_fc4 = (col7, row3)

    # Create current-weather and weather-forecast objects
    if self.location.isdigit():
      logging.debug('looking up location by ID')
      weather = self.owm.weather_at_id(int(self.location)).weather
      forecast = self.owm.forecast_at_id(int(self.location), '3h')
      logging.debug('looking up location by string')
      weather = self.owm.weather_at_place(self.location).weather
      forecast = self.owm.forecast_at_place(self.location, '3h')

    # Set decimals
    dec_temp = None if self.round_temperature == True else 1
    dec_wind = None if self.round_windspeed == True else 1

    # Set correct temperature units
    if self.units == 'metric':
      temp_unit = 'celsius'
    elif self.units == 'imperial':
      temp_unit = 'fahrenheit'

    logging.debug(f'temperature unit: {temp_unit}')
    logging.debug(f'decimals temperature: {dec_temp} | decimals wind: {dec_wind}')

    # Get current time
    now = arrow.utcnow()

    if self.forecast_interval == 'hourly':

      logger.debug("getting hourly forecasts")

      # Forecasts are provided for every 3rd full hour
      # find out how many hours there are until the next 3rd full hour
      if (now.hour % 3) != 0:
        hour_gap = 3 - (now.hour % 3)
        hour_gap = 3

      # Create timings for hourly forcasts
      forecast_timings = [now.shift(hours = + hour_gap + _).floor('hour')
                          for _ in range(0,12,3)]

      # Create forecast objects for given timings
      forecasts = [forecast.get_weather_at(forecast_time.datetime) for
                   forecast_time in forecast_timings]

      # Add forecast-data to fc_data dictionary
      fc_data = {}
      for forecast in forecasts:
        temp =  '{}°'.format(round(
          forecast.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp))

        icon = forecast.weather_icon_name
        fc_data['fc'+str(forecasts.index(forecast)+1)] = {
          'stamp': forecast_timings[forecasts.index(forecast)].to(
            get_system_tz()).format('H.00' if self.hour_format == 24 else 'h a')

    elif self.forecast_interval == 'daily':

      logger.debug("getting daily forecasts")

      def calculate_forecast(days_from_today):
        """Get temperature range and most frequent icon code for forecast
        days_from_today should be int from 1-4: e.g. 2 -> 2 days from today

        # Create a list containing time-objects for every 3rd hour of the day
        time_range = list(arrow.Arrow.range('hour',

        # Get forecasts for each time-object
        forecasts = [forecast.get_weather_at(_.datetime) for _ in time_range]

        # Get all temperatures for this day
        daily_temp = [round(_.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'],
                            ndigits=dec_temp) for _ in forecasts]
        # Calculate min. and max. temp for this day
        temp_range = f'{max(daily_temp)}°/{min(daily_temp)}°'

        # Get all weather icon codes for this day
        daily_icons = [_.weather_icon_name for _ in forecasts]
        # Find most common element from all weather icon codes
        status = max(set(daily_icons), key=daily_icons.count)

        weekday = now.shift(days=days_from_today).format('ddd', locale=
        return {'temp':temp_range, 'icon':status, 'stamp': weekday}

      forecasts = [calculate_forecast(days) for days in range (1,5)]

      fc_data = {}
      for forecast in forecasts:
        fc_data['fc'+str(forecasts.index(forecast)+1)] = {
          'stamp': forecast['stamp']

    for key,val in fc_data.items():

    # Get some current weather details
    temperature = '{}°'.format(round(
      weather.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp))

    weather_icon = weather.weather_icon_name
    humidity = str(weather.humidity)
    sunrise_raw = arrow.get(weather.sunrise_time()).to(self.timezone)
    sunset_raw = arrow.get(weather.sunset_time()).to(self.timezone)

    logger.debug(f'weather_icon: {weather_icon}')

    if self.hour_format ==  12:
      logger.debug('using 12 hour format for sunrise/sunset')
      sunrise = sunrise_raw.format('h:mm a')
      sunset = sunset_raw.format('h:mm a')

    elif self.hour_format == 24:
      logger.debug('using 24 hour format for sunrise/sunset')
      sunrise = sunrise_raw.format('H:mm')
      sunset = sunset_raw.format('H:mm')

    # Format the windspeed to user preference
    if self.use_beaufort == True:
      logger.debug("using beaufort for wind")
      wind = str(weather.wind(unit='beaufort')['speed'])

    elif self.use_beaufort == False:

      if self.units == 'metric':
        logging.debug('getting windspeed in metric unit')
        wind = str(round(weather.wind(unit='meters_sec')['speed'], ndigits=dec_wind)) + ' m/s'

      elif self.units == 'imperial':
        logging.debug('getting windspeed in imperial unit')
        wind = str(round(weather.wind(unit='miles_hour')['speed'], ndigits=dec_wind)) + ' mph'

    dec = decimal.Decimal
    moonphase = get_moon_phase()

    # Fill weather details in col 1 (current weather icon)
    draw_icon(im_colour, weather_icon_pos, (col_width, im_height),

    # Fill weather details in col 2 (temp, humidity, wind)
    draw_icon(im_colour, temperature_icon_pos, (icon_small, row_height),

    if is_negative(temperature):
       write(im_black, temperature_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
          temperature, font = self.font)
       write(im_black, temperature_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
          temperature, font = self.font)

    draw_icon(im_colour, humidity_icon_pos, (icon_small, row_height),

    write(im_black, humidity_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
          humidity+'%', font = self.font)

    draw_icon(im_colour, windspeed_icon_pos, (icon_small, icon_small),

    write(im_black, windspeed_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
          wind, font=self.font)

    # Fill weather details in col 3 (moonphase, sunrise, sunset)
    draw_icon(im_colour, moonphase_pos, (col_width, row_height), moonphase)

    draw_icon(im_colour, sunrise_icon_pos, (icon_small, icon_small), '\uf051')
    write(im_black, sunrise_time_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
          sunrise, font = self.font)

    draw_icon(im_colour, sunset_icon_pos, (icon_small, icon_small), '\uf052')
    write(im_black, sunset_time_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height), sunset,
          font = self.font)

    # Add the forecast data to the correct places
    for pos in range(1, len(fc_data)+1):
      stamp = fc_data[f'fc{pos}']['stamp']

      icon = weathericons[fc_data[f'fc{pos}']['icon']]
      temp = fc_data[f'fc{pos}']['temp']

      write(im_black, eval(f'stamp_fc{pos}'), (col_width, row_height),
        stamp, font = self.font)
      draw_icon(im_colour, eval(f'icon_fc{pos}'), (col_width, row_height+line_gap*2),
      write(im_black, eval(f'temp_fc{pos}'), (col_width, row_height),
        temp, font = self.font)

    border_h = row3 + row_height
    border_w = col_width - 3 #leave 3 pixels gap

    # Add borders around each sub-section
    draw_border(im_black, (col1, row1), (col_width*3 - 3, border_h),

    for _ in range(4,8):
      draw_border(im_black, (eval(f'col{_}'), row1), (border_w, border_h),

    # return the images ready for the display
    return im_black, im_colour

if __name__ == '__main__':
  print(f'running {filename} in standalone mode')