### This file contains features in planning for the next release # For version 1.6 ## Installer * Optimise the installer by adding a few more options when updating ## Main script * Implement weekly view (may take a lot of time) * Display more events when free space is available (below monthly calendar) * Implement feature to fetch tasks * Add code in E-Paper.py for fixing errors related to the iCalendar (ics.py is pretty picky) * Truncate event names if they're too long to be displayed * Fix a bug where past events are shown along with ones in the future * Add support for ics files along with iCalendar URLs * Allow connecting to the openweathermap API servers even when the SSL certificate has expired ## E-Paper files (epd7in5/epd7in5b) * Optimise values for displaying images by modifying some values when converting image to data * Merge calibration module with epd7in5 and epd7in5b * Create function to calibrate the screen faster by omitting conversion ## Settings file * Add option to switch between the monthly and weekly view * Add option to display one of the following below the monthly Calendar section: Tasks, RSS-feed, events * Add option to fetch events from a given time range in the future --------------------------- ## More feature suggestions (will not be implemented anytime soon) * Nextcloud Integration (further research required) If you can help with any features, please do so :)