#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Custom image class for Inkycal Project Takes care of handling images. Made to be used by other modules to handle images. Copyright by aceisace """ from PIL import Image, ImageOps import requests import numpy import os import logging filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0] logger = logging.getLogger(filename) class Inkyimage: """Inkyimage class missing documentation, lazy devs :/ """ def __init__(self, image=None): """Initialize Inkyimage module""" # no image initially self.image = image # give an OK message print(f'{filename} loaded') def load(self, path): """loads an image from a URL or filepath. Args: - path:The full path or url of the image file e.g. `https://sample.com/logo.png` or `/home/pi/Downloads/nice_pic.png` Raises: - FileNotFoundError: This Exception is raised when the file could not be found. - OSError: A OSError is raised when the URL doesn't point to the correct file-format, i.e. is not an image - TypeError: if the URLS doesn't start with htpp """ # Try to open the image if it exists and is an image file try: if path.startswith('http'): logger.debug('loading image from URL') image = Image.open(requests.get(path, stream=True).raw) else: logger.info('loading image from local path') image = Image.open(path) except FileNotFoundError: raise ('Your file could not be found. Please check the filepath') except OSError: raise ('Please check if the path points to an image file.') logger.debug(f'width: {image.width}, height: {image.height}') image.convert(mode='RGBA') #convert to a more suitable format self.image = image print('loaded Image') def clear(self): """Removes currently saved image if present""" if self.image: self.image = None print('cleared') def _preview(self): """Preview the image on gpicview (only works on Rapsbian with Desktop)""" if self._image_loaded(): path = '/home/pi/Desktop/' self.image.save(path+'temp.png') os.system("gpicview "+path+'temp.png') os.system('rm '+path+'temp.png') @staticmethod def preview(image): """"Previews an image on gpicview (only works on Rapsbian with Desktop) """ path = '/home/pi/Desktop/' image.save(path+'temp.png') os.system("gpicview "+path+'temp.png') os.system('rm '+path+'temp.png') def _image_loaded(self): """returns True if image was loaded""" if self.image: return True else: print('image not loaded') return False def flip(self, angle): """Flips the image by the given angle. Args: - angle:->int. A multiple of 90, e.g. 90, 180, 270, 360. """ if self._image_loaded(): image = self.image if not angle % 90 == 0: print('Angle must be a multiple of 90') return image = image.rotate(angle, expand = True) self.image = image print(f'flipped image by {angle} degrees') def autoflip(self, layout): """flips the image automatically to the given layout. Args: - layout:-> str. Choose `horizontal` or `vertical`. Checks the image's width and height. In horizontal mode, the image is flipped if the image height is greater than the image width. In vertical mode, the image is flipped if the image width is greater than the image height. """ if self._image_loaded(): image = self.image if layout == 'horizontal': if (image.height > image.width): print('image width greater than image height, flipping') image = image.rotate(90, expand=True) elif layout == 'vertical': if (image.width > image.height): print('image width greater than image height, flipping') image = image.rotate(90, expand=True) else: print('layout not supported') return self.image = image def remove_alpha(self): """Removes transparency if image has transparency. Checks if an image has an alpha band and replaces the transparency with white pixels. """ if self._image_loaded(): image = self.image if len(image.getbands()) == 4: print('has alpha') logger.debug('removing transparency') bg = Image.new('RGBA', (image.width, image.height), 'white') im = Image.alpha_composite(bg, image) self.image.paste(im, (0,0)) print('removed alpha') def resize(self, width=None, height=None): """Resize an image to desired width or height""" if self._image_loaded(): if width == None and height == None: print('no height of width specified') return image = self.image if width: initial_width = image.width wpercent = (width/float(image.width)) hsize = int((float(image.height)*float(wpercent))) image = image.resize((width, hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS) logger.debug(f"resized image from {initial_width} to {image.width}") self.image = image if height: initial_height = image.height hpercent = (height / float(image.height)) wsize = int(float(image.width) * float(hpercent)) image = image.resize((wsize, height), Image.ANTIALIAS) logger.debug(f"resized image from {initial_height} to {image.height}") self.image = image def to_mono(self): """Converts image to pure balck-white image (1-bit). retrns 1-bit image """ if self._image_loaded(): image = self.image image = image.convert('1', dither=True) return image def to_colour(self): """Maps image colours to 3 colours. """ if self._image_loaded(): image = self.image.convert('RGB') # Create a simple palette pal = [255,255,255, 0,0,0, 255,0,0, 255,255,255] # Map each pixel of the opened image to the Palette palette_im = Image.new('P', (3,1)) palette_im.putpalette(pal * 64) quantized_im = image.quantize(palette=palette_im) quantized_im.convert('RGB') # Create a buffer for coloured pixels buffer1 = numpy.array(quantized_im.convert('RGB')) r1,g1,b1 = buffer1[:, :, 0], buffer1[:, :, 1], buffer1[:, :, 2] # Create a buffer for black pixels buffer2 = numpy.array(quantized_im.convert('RGB')) r2,g2,b2 = buffer2[:, :, 0], buffer2[:, :, 1], buffer2[:, :, 2] # re-construct image from coloured-pixels buffer buffer2[numpy.logical_and(r2 == 0, b2 == 0)] = [255,255,255] # black->white buffer2[numpy.logical_and(r2 == 255, b2 == 0)] = [0,0,0] #red->black im_colour = Image.fromarray(buffer2) # re-construct image from black pixels buffer buffer1[numpy.logical_and(r1 == 255, b1 == 0)] = [255,255,255] im_black = Image.fromarray(buffer1) return im_black, im_colour if __name__ == '__main__': print(f'running {filename} in standalone/debug mode')