#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Calendar module for Inky-Calendar Project Copyright by aceisace """ from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module from inkycal.custom import * import calendar as cal import arrow filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0] logger = logging.getLogger(filename) logger.setLevel(level=logging.ERROR) class Calendar(inkycal_module): """Calendar class Create monthly calendar and show events from given icalendars """ def __init__(self, section_size, section_config): """Initialize inkycal_calendar module""" super().__init__(section_size, section_config) # Module specific parameters required = ['week_starts_on'] for param in required: if not param in section_config: raise Exception('config is missing {}'.format(param)) # module name self.name = self.__class__.__name__ # module specific parameters self.num_font = ImageFont.truetype( fonts['NotoSans-SemiCondensed'], size = self.fontsize) self.weekstart = self.config['week_starts_on'] self.show_events = True self.date_format = 'D MMM' self.time_format = "HH:mm" self.language = 'en' self.timezone = get_system_tz() self.ical_urls = self.config['ical_urls'] self.ical_files = [] # give an OK message print('{0} loaded'.format(self.name)) def generate_image(self): """Generate image for this module""" # Define new image size with respect to padding im_width = int(self.width - (self.width * 2 * self.margin_x)) im_height = int(self.height - (self.height * 2 * self.margin_y)) im_size = im_width, im_height logger.info('Image size: {0}'.format(im_size)) # Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels im_black = Image.new('RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white') im_colour = Image.new('RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white') # Allocate space for month-names, weekdays etc. month_name_height = int(self.height*0.1) weekdays_height = int(self.height*0.05) if self.show_events == True: calendar_height = int(self.height*0.6) events_height = int(self.height*0.25) logger.debug('calendar-section size: {0} x {1} px'.format( im_width, calendar_height)) logger.debug('events-section size: {0} x {1} px'.format( im_width, events_height)) else: calendar_height = self.height - month_name_height - weekday_height logger.debug('calendar-section size: {0} x {1} px'.format( im_width, calendar_height)) # Create grid and calculate icon sizes calendar_rows, calendar_cols = 6, 7 icon_width = im_width // calendar_cols icon_height = calendar_height // calendar_rows # Calculate spacings for calendar area x_spacing_calendar = int((im_width % calendar_cols) / 2) y_spacing_calendar = int((im_height % calendar_rows) / 2) # Calculate positions for days of month grid_start_y = (month_name_height + weekdays_height + y_spacing_calendar) grid_start_x = x_spacing_calendar grid = [(grid_start_x + icon_width*x, grid_start_y + icon_height*y) for y in range(calendar_rows) for x in range(calendar_cols)] weekday_pos = [(grid_start_x + icon_width*_, month_name_height) for _ in range(calendar_cols)] now = arrow.now(tz = self.timezone) # Set weekstart of calendar to specified weekstart if self.weekstart == "Monday": cal.setfirstweekday(cal.MONDAY) weekstart = now.shift(days = - now.weekday()) else: cal.setfirstweekday(cal.SUNDAY) weekstart = now.shift(days = - now.isoweekday()) # Write the name of current month write( im_black, (x_spacing_calendar,0), (self.width, month_name_height), str(now.format('MMMM',locale=self.language)), font = self.font, autofit = True) # Set up weeknames in local language and add to main section weekday_names = [weekstart.shift(days=+_).format('ddd',locale=self.language) for _ in range(7)] logger.debug('weekday names: {}'.format(weekday_names)) for _ in range(len(weekday_pos)): write( im_black, weekday_pos[_], (icon_width, weekdays_height), weekday_names[_], font = self.font, autofit = True ) # Create a calendar template and flatten (remove nestings) flatten = lambda z: [x for y in z for x in y] calendar_flat = flatten(cal.monthcalendar(now.year, now.month)) # Add the numbers on the correct positions for i in range(len(calendar_flat)): if calendar_flat[i] not in (0, int(now.day)): write( im_black, grid[i], (icon_width,icon_height), str(calendar_flat[i]), font = self.num_font, fill_height = 0.5 ) # Draw a red/black circle with the current day of month in white icon = Image.new('RGBA', (icon_width, icon_height)) current_day_pos = grid[calendar_flat.index(now.day)] x_circle,y_circle = int(icon_width/2), int(icon_height/2) radius = int(icon_width * 0.3) ImageDraw.Draw(icon).ellipse( (x_circle-radius, y_circle-radius, x_circle+radius, y_circle+radius), fill= 'black', outline=None) write(icon, (0,0), (icon_width, icon_height), str(now.day), font=self.num_font, fill_height = 0.5, colour='white') im_colour.paste(icon, current_day_pos, icon) # If events should be loaded and shown... if self.show_events == True: # import the ical-parser from inkycal.modules.ical_parser import iCalendar # find out how many lines can fit at max in the event section line_spacing = 0 max_event_lines = events_height // (self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing) # generate list of coordinates for each line event_lines = [(0, grid[-1][1] + int(events_height/max_event_lines*_)) for _ in range(max_event_lines)] # timeline for filtering events within this month month_start = arrow.get(now.floor('month')) month_end = arrow.get(now.ceil('month')) # fetch events from given icalendars self.ical = iCalendar() parser = self.ical if self.ical_urls: parser.load_url(self.ical_urls) if self.ical_files: parser.load_from_file(self.ical_files) # Filter events for full month (even past ones) for drawing event icons month_events = parser.get_events(month_start, month_end) parser.sort() self.month_events = month_events # find out on which days of this month events are taking place days_with_events = [int(events['begin'].format('D')) for events in month_events] # remove duplicates (more than one event in a single day) list(set(days_with_events)).sort() self._days_with_events = days_with_events # Draw a border with specified parameters around days with events for days in days_with_events: draw_border( im_colour, grid[calendar_flat.index(days)], (icon_width, icon_height), radius = 6, thickness= 1, shrinkage = (0.4, 0.4) ) # Filter upcoming events until 4 weeks in the future parser.clear_events() upcoming_events = parser.get_events(now, now.shift(weeks=4)) self._upcoming_events = upcoming_events # delete events which won't be able to fit (more events than lines) upcoming_events[:max_event_lines] # Check if any events were found in the given timerange if upcoming_events: # Find out how much space (width) the date format requires lang = self.language date_width = int(max([self.font.getsize( events['begin'].format(self.date_format,locale=lang))[0] for events in upcoming_events]) * 1.1) time_width = int(max([self.font.getsize( events['begin'].format(self.time_format, locale=lang))[0] for events in upcoming_events]) * 1.1) line_height = self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing event_width_s = im_width - date_width - time_width event_width_l = im_width - date_width # Display upcoming events below calendar tomorrow = now.shift(days=1).floor('day') in_two_days = now.shift(days=2).floor('day') cursor = 0 for event in upcoming_events: name = event['title'] date = event['begin'].format(self.date_format, locale=lang) time = event['begin'].format(self.time_format, locale=lang) if now < event['end']: write(im_colour, event_lines[cursor], (date_width, line_height), date, font=self.font, alignment = 'left') # Check if event is all day if parser.all_day(event) == True: write(im_black, (date_width, event_lines[cursor][1]), (event_width_l, line_height), name, font=self.font, alignment = 'left') else: # change this event_width to event_width_s? write(im_black, (time_width, event_lines[cursor][1]), (event_width, line_height), time, font=self.font, alignment = 'left') write(im_black, (date_width+time_width,event_lines[cursor][1]), (event_width_s, line_height), name, font=self.font, alignment = 'left') cursor += 1 else: symbol = '- ' while self.font.getsize(symbol)[0] < im_width*0.9: symbol += ' -' write(im_black, event_lines[0], (im_width, self.font.getsize(symbol)[1]), symbol, font = self.font) # Save image of black and colour channel in image-folder im_black.save(images+self.name+'.png') im_colour.save(images+self.name+'_colour.png') if __name__ == '__main__': print('running {0} in standalone mode'.format(filename))