
Image test (inkycal_image)
Copyright by aceisace

import unittest

import requests
from PIL import Image

from inkycal.modules import Inkyimage as Module
from inkycal.custom import top_level
from helper_functions import *

environment = get_environment()

# Set to True to preview images. Only works on Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop
use_preview = False

url = "https://github.com/aceisace/Inkycal/raw/assets/Repo/coffee.png"

im = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw)
im.save("test.png", "PNG")
test_path = "test.png"

tests = [
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [400, 200],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bwr",
            "autoflip": True,
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [800, 500],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bwy",
            "autoflip": True,
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [400, 100],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bw",
            "autoflip": False,
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [400, 100],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bwr",
            "autoflip": True,
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [400, 100],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bwy",
            "autoflip": True,
            "orientation": "horizontal",
            "padding_x": 10, "padding_y": 10, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [500, 800],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bw",
            "autoflip": True,
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "padding_x": 0, "padding_y": 0, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"
        "name": "Inkyimage",
        "config": {
            "size": [500, 800],
            "path": test_path,
            "palette": "bwr",
            "autoflip": True,
            "orientation": "vertical",
            "padding_x": 20, "padding_y": 20, "fontsize": 12, "language": "en"

class module_test(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_config(self):
        print('getting data for web-ui...', end="")

    def test_generate_image(self):
        for test in tests:
            print(f'test {tests.index(test) + 1} generating image..')
            module = Module(test)
            im_black, im_colour = module.generate_image()
            if use_preview == True and environment == 'Raspberry':
                preview(merge(im_black, im_colour))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    logger.level = logging.DEBUG
