#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Weather module for Inky-Calendar software. The lunar phase calculation is from Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com. Thank You Palmer for the awesome code! Copyright by aceisace """ from __future__ import print_function import pyowm from settings import * from configuration import * from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import arrow import math, decimal dec = decimal.Decimal print('Initialising weather...', end=' ') owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key, language=language) print('Done') """Icon-code to unicode dictionary for weather-font""" weathericons = { '01d': '\uf00d', '02d': '\uf002', '03d': '\uf013', '04d': '\uf012', '09d': '\uf01a', '10d': '\uf019', '11d': '\uf01e', '13d': '\uf01b', '50d': '\uf014', '01n': '\uf02e', '02n': '\uf013', '03n': '\uf013', '04n': '\uf013', '09n': '\uf037', '10n': '\uf036', '11n': '\uf03b', '13n': '\uf038', '50n': '\uf023' } """Add a border to increase readability""" border_top = int(top_section_height * 0.05) border_left = int(top_section_width * 0.02) """Calculate size for each weather sub-section""" row_height = (top_section_height-(border_top*2)) // 3 coloumn_width = (top_section_width-(border_left*2)) // 7 """Calculate paddings""" x_padding = int( (top_section_width % coloumn_width) / 2 ) y_padding = int( (top_section_height % row_height) / 2 ) """Allocate sizes for weather icons""" icon_small = row_height icon_medium = row_height * 2 """Calculate the x-axis position of each coloumn""" coloumn1 = x_padding coloumn2 = coloumn1 + coloumn_width coloumn3 = coloumn2 + coloumn_width coloumn4 = coloumn3 + coloumn_width coloumn5 = coloumn4 + coloumn_width coloumn6 = coloumn5 + coloumn_width coloumn7 = coloumn6 + coloumn_width """Calculate the y-axis position of each row""" row1 = y_padding row2 = row1 + row_height row3 = row2 + row_height """Allocate positions for current weather details""" text_now_pos = (coloumn1, row1) weather_icon_now_pos = (coloumn1, row2) temperature_icon_now_pos = (coloumn2, row1) temperature_now_pos = (coloumn2+icon_small, row1) humidity_icon_now_pos = (coloumn2, row2) humidity_now_pos = (coloumn2+icon_small, row2) windspeed_icon_now_pos = (coloumn2, row3) windspeed_now_pos = (coloumn2+icon_small, row3) moon_phase_now_pos = (coloumn3, row1) sunrise_icon_now_pos = (coloumn3, row2) sunrise_time_now_pos = (coloumn3+icon_small, row2) sunset_icon_now_pos = (coloumn3, row3) sunset_time_now_pos = (coloumn3+ icon_small, row3) """Allocate positions for weather forecast after 3 hours""" text_fc1_pos = (coloumn4, row1) icon_fc1_pos = (coloumn4, row2) temperature_fc1_pos = (coloumn4, row3) """Allocate positions for weather forecast after 6 hours""" text_fc2_pos = (coloumn5, row1) icon_fc2_pos = (coloumn5, row2) temperature_fc2_pos = (coloumn5, row3) """Allocate positions for weather forecast after 9 hours""" text_fc3_pos = (coloumn6, row1) icon_fc3_pos = (coloumn6, row2) temperature_fc3_pos = (coloumn6, row3) """Allocate positions for weather forecast after 12 hours""" text_fc4_pos = (coloumn7, row1) icon_fc4_pos = (coloumn7, row2) temperature_fc4_pos = (coloumn7, row3) """Windspeed (m/s) to beaufort (index of list) conversion""" windspeed_to_beaufort = [0.02, 1.5, 3.3, 5.4, 7.9, 10.7, 13.8, 17.1, 20.7, 24.4, 28.4, 32.6, 100] """Function to convert tempertures from kelvin to celcius or fahrenheit""" def to_units(kelvin): if units == 'metric': conversion = str(int(kelvin - 273.15)) + '°C' else: conversion = str(int((kelvin - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32)) + 'F' return conversion """Function to convert time objects to specified format 12/24 hours""" """Simple means just the hour and if 12 hours, am/pm as well""" def to_hours(datetime_object, simple = False): if hours == '24': if simple == True: converted_time = datetime_object.format('H') + '.00' else: converted_time = datetime_object.format('HH:mm') else: if simple == True: converted_time = datetime_object.format('H a') else: converted_time = datetime_object.format('hh:mm') return str(converted_time) """Choose font optimised for the weather section""" fontsize = 8 font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'.ttf', fontsize) fill_height = 0.8 while font.getsize('hg')[1] <= (row_height * fill_height): fontsize += 1 font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'.ttf', fontsize) def main(): """Connect to Openweathermap API and fetch weather data""" if top_section == "Weather" and api_key != "" and owm.is_API_online() is True: try: print('Weather module: Connectivity check passed, Generating image...', end = '') current_weather_setup = owm.weather_at_place(location) weather = current_weather_setup.get_weather() """Set-up and get weather forecast data""" forecast = owm.three_hours_forecast(location) """Round the hour to the nearest multiple of 3""" now = arrow.now(tz=get_tz()) if (now.hour % 3) != 0: hour_gap = 3 - (now.hour % 3) else: hour_gap = 3 """Prepare timings for forecasts""" fc1 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap) fc2 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap + 3) fc3 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap + 6) fc4 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap + 9) """Prepare forecast objects for the specified timings""" forecast_fc1 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc1.datetime) forecast_fc2 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc2.datetime) forecast_fc3 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc3.datetime) forecast_fc4 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc4.datetime) """Get the current temperature and forcasts temperatures""" temperature_now = to_units(weather.get_temperature()['temp']) temperature_fc1 = to_units(forecast_fc1.get_temperature()['temp']) temperature_fc2 = to_units(forecast_fc2.get_temperature()['temp']) temperature_fc3 = to_units(forecast_fc3.get_temperature()['temp']) temperature_fc4 = to_units(forecast_fc4.get_temperature()['temp']) """Get current and forecast weather icon names""" weather_icon_now = weather.get_weather_icon_name() weather_icon_fc1 = forecast_fc1.get_weather_icon_name() weather_icon_fc2 = forecast_fc2.get_weather_icon_name() weather_icon_fc3 = forecast_fc3.get_weather_icon_name() weather_icon_fc4 = forecast_fc4.get_weather_icon_name() """Parse current weather details""" sunrise_time_now = arrow.get(weather.get_sunrise_time()).to(get_tz()) sunset_time_now = arrow.get(weather.get_sunset_time()).to(get_tz()) humidity_now = str(weather.get_humidity()) cloudstatus_now = str(weather.get_clouds()) weather_description_now = str(weather.get_detailed_status()) windspeed_now = weather.get_wind(unit='meters_sec')['speed'] beaufort = str([windspeed_to_beaufort.index(_) for _ in windspeed_to_beaufort if windspeed_now < _][0]) """Calculate the moon phase""" def get_moon_phase(): diff = now - arrow.get(2001, 1, 1) days = dec(diff.days) + (dec(diff.seconds) / dec(86400)) lunations = dec("0.20439731") + (days * dec("0.03386319269")) position = lunations % dec(1) index = math.floor((position * dec(8)) + dec("0.5")) return {0: '\uf095',1: '\uf099',2: '\uf09c',3: '\uf0a0', 4: '\uf0a3',5: '\uf0a7',6: '\uf0aa',7: '\uf0ae' }[int(index) & 7] moonphase = get_moon_phase() """Add weather details in column 1""" write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, 'now', text_now_pos, font = font) write_text(icon_medium, icon_medium, weathericons[weather_icon_now], weather_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_width = 0.9) """Add weather details in column 2""" write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf053', temperature_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9) write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf07a', humidity_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9) write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf050', windspeed_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9) write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, temperature_now, temperature_now_pos, font = font) write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, humidity_now+'%', humidity_now_pos, font = font) write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, beaufort, windspeed_now_pos, font = font) """Add weather details in column 3""" write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, moonphase , moon_phase_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9) write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf051', sunrise_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9) write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf052', sunset_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9) write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, to_hours(sunrise_time_now), sunrise_time_now_pos, font = font, fill_width = 0.9) write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, to_hours(sunset_time_now), sunset_time_now_pos, font = font, fill_width = 0.9) """Add weather details in column 4""" write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc1, simple=True), text_fc1_pos, font = font) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc1], icon_fc1_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc1, temperature_fc1_pos, font = font) """Add weather details in column 5""" write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc2, simple=True), text_fc2_pos, font = font) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc2], icon_fc2_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc2, temperature_fc2_pos, font = font) """Add weather details in column 6""" write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc3, simple=True), text_fc3_pos, font = font) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc3], icon_fc3_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc3, temperature_fc3_pos, font = font) """Add weather details in last coloumn""" write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc4, simple=True), text_fc4_pos, font = font) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc4], icon_fc4_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0) write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc4, temperature_fc4_pos, font = font) """Add vertical lines between forecast sections""" draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) line_start_y = int(top_section_height*0.1) line_end_y = int(top_section_height*0.9) draw.line((coloumn4, line_start_y, coloumn4, line_end_y), fill='black') draw.line((coloumn5, line_start_y, coloumn5, line_end_y), fill='black') draw.line((coloumn6, line_start_y, coloumn6, line_end_y), fill='black') draw.line((coloumn7, line_start_y, coloumn7, line_end_y), fill='black') draw.line((0, top_section_height-border_top, top_section_width- border_left, top_section_height-border_top), fill='red' if display_type == 'colour' else 'black' , width=3) weather_image = image.crop((0,0, top_section_width, top_section_height)) weather_image.save(image_path+'weather.png') print('Done') except Exception as e: """If no response was received from the openweathermap api server, add the cloud with question mark""" print('__________OWM-ERROR!__________') print('Reason: ',e) write_text(icon_medium, icon_medium, '\uf07b', weather_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0) message = 'No internet connectivity or API timeout' write_text(coloumn_width*6, row_height, message, humidity_icon_now_pos, font = font) pass if __name__ == '__main__': main()