Ace 4d67fab755
Localisation support + better events handling
It's now possible to change the strings used in events (today, tomorrow, at) to a custom string (of your local language).
The events section within the calendar module now only shows events from today which have not passed yet. If some lines are empty in the weather section, they'll be filled with events from the next 40 days. 
Also, some minor code improvements.
2019-12-16 00:58:45 +01:00

216 lines
8.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Calendar module for Inky-Calendar Project
Copyright by aceisace
from __future__ import print_function
import calendar
from configuration import *
from settings import *
import arrow
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
print_events = False
show_events = True
today_in_your_language = 'today'
tomorrow_in_your_language = 'tomorrow'
at_in_your_language = 'at'
event_icon = 'square' # dot #square
style = "DD MMM"
fontsize = 16
font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'.ttf', fontsize)
space_between_lines = 0
if show_events == True:
from inkycal_icalendar import fetch_events
"""Add a border to increase readability"""
border_top = int(middle_section_height * 0.02)
border_left = int(middle_section_width * 0.02)
main_area_height = middle_section_height-border_top*2
main_area_width = middle_section_width-border_left*2
line_height = font.getsize('hg')[1] + space_between_lines
line_width = middle_section_width - (border_left*2)
"""Calculate height for each sub-section"""
month_name_height = int(main_area_height*0.1)
weekdays_height = int(main_area_height*0.05)
calendar_height = int(main_area_height*0.6)
events_height = int(main_area_height*0.25)
"""Set rows and coloumns in the calendar section and calculate sizes"""
calendar_rows, calendar_coloumns = 6, 7
icon_width = main_area_width // calendar_coloumns
icon_height = calendar_height // calendar_rows
"""Calculate paddings for calendar section"""
x_padding_calendar = int((main_area_width % icon_width) / 2)
y_padding_calendar = int((main_area_height % calendar_rows) / 2)
"""Add coordinates for number icons inside the calendar section"""
grid_start_y = (middle_section_offset + border_top + month_name_height +
weekdays_height + y_padding_calendar)
grid_start_x = border_left + x_padding_calendar
grid = [(grid_start_x + icon_width*x, grid_start_y + icon_height*y)
for y in range(calendar_rows) for x in range(calendar_coloumns)]
weekday_pos = [(grid_start_x + icon_width*_, middle_section_offset +
month_name_height) for _ in range(calendar_coloumns)]
max_event_lines = (events_height - border_top) // (font.getsize('hg')[1]
+ space_between_lines)
event_lines = [(border_left,(bottom_section_offset - events_height)+
int(events_height/max_event_lines*_)) for _ in range(max_event_lines)]
def main():
print('Calendar module: Generating image...', end = '')
now = = get_tz())
"""Set up the Calendar template based on personal preferences"""
if week_starts_on == "Monday":
weekstart = now.replace(days = - now.weekday())
weekstart = now.replace(days = - now.isoweekday())
"""Write the name of the current month at the correct position"""
write_text(main_area_width, month_name_height,
str(now.format('MMMM',locale=language)), (border_left,
middle_section_offset), autofit = True)
"""Set up weeknames in local language and add to main section"""
weekday_names = [weekstart.replace(days=+_).format('ddd',locale=language)
for _ in range(7)]
for _ in range(len(weekday_pos)):
write_text(icon_width, weekdays_height, weekday_names[_],
weekday_pos[_], autofit = True)
"""Create a calendar template and flatten (remove nestings)"""
flatten = lambda z: [x for y in z for x in y]
calendar_flat = flatten(calendar.monthcalendar(now.year, now.month))
"""Add the numbers on the correct positions"""
for i in range(len(calendar_flat)):
if calendar_flat[i] != 0:
write_text(icon_width, icon_height, str(calendar_flat[i]), grid[i])
"""Draw a red/black circle with the current day of month in white"""
icon ='RGBA', (icon_width, icon_height))
current_day_pos = grid[calendar_flat.index(]
x_circle,y_circle = int(icon_width/2), int(icon_height/2)
radius = int(icon_width * 0.25)
text_width, text_height = default.getsize(str(
x_text = int((icon_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
y_text = int((icon_height / 2) - (text_height / 1.7))
ImageDraw.Draw(icon).ellipse((x_circle-radius, y_circle-radius,
x_circle+radius, y_circle+radius), fill= 'red' if
display_type == 'colour' else 'black', outline=None)
ImageDraw.Draw(icon).text((x_text, y_text), str(, fill='white',
image.paste(icon, current_day_pos, icon)
"""Create some reference points for the current month"""
days_current_month = calendar.monthrange(now.year, now.month)[1]
month_start = now.replace(days
month_end = now.replace(days=+(
if show_events == True:
"""Filter events which begin before the end of this month"""
upcoming_events = fetch_events()
calendar_events = [events for events in upcoming_events if
events.begin < month_end and events.begin.month == now.month]
"""Find days with events in the current month"""
days_with_events = []
for events in calendar_events:
if events.duration.days <= 1:
for day in range(events.duration.days):
days_with_events = set(days_with_events)
if event_icon == 'dot':
for days in days_with_events:
write_text(icon_width, int(icon_height * 0.2), '',
int(grid[calendar_flat.index(days)][1] + icon_height*0.8)))
if event_icon == 'square':
square_size = int(icon_width *0.6)
center_x = int((icon_width - square_size) / 2)
center_y = int((icon_height - square_size) / 2)
for days in days_with_events:
int(grid[calendar_flat.index(days)][1] + center_y )),
8, square_size , square_size)
"""Add a small section showing events of today and tomorrow"""
event_list = ['{0} {1} {2} : {3}'.format(today_in_your_language,
at_in_your_language, event.begin.format('HH:mm' if hours == 24 else
'hh:mm'), for event in calendar_events if
== and now < event.end]
event_list += ['{0} {1} {2} : {3}'.format(tomorrow_in_your_language,
at_in_your_language, event.begin.format('HH:mm' if hours == 24 else
'hh:mm'), for event in calendar_events if
== now.replace(day=1).day]
after_two_days = now.replace(days=2).floor('day')
event_list += ['{0} {1} {2} : {3}'.format(event.begin.format('D MMM'),
at_in_your_language, event.begin.format('HH:mm' if hours == 24 else
'hh:mm'), for event in upcoming_events if event.end >
del event_list[max_event_lines:]
if event_list:
for lines in event_list:
write_text(main_area_width, int(events_height/max_event_lines), lines,
event_lines[event_list.index(lines)], alignment='left',
fill_height = 0.7)
write_text(main_area_width, int(events_height/max_event_lines),
'No upcoming events', event_lines[0], alignment='left',
fill_height = 0.7)
"""Set print_events_to True to print all events in this month"""
style = 'DD MMM YY HH:mm'
if print_events == True and calendar_events:
line_width = max(len( for _ in calendar_events)
for events in calendar_events:
print('{0} {1} | {2} | {3} | All day ='.format(,
' ' * (line_width - len(, events.begin.format(style),
events.end.format(style)), events.all_day)
calendar_image = crop_image(image, 'middle_section')'calendar.png')
except Exception as e:
"""If something went wrong, print a Error message on the Terminal"""
print('Error in Calendar module!')
print('Reason: ',e)
if __name__ == '__main__':