Ace b8ef99d07b Use language from config instead of system language
This fixes an issue where the weekday would be named according to the system language, but not the specified language in that module's settings.
2020-11-29 23:47:14 +01:00

516 lines
17 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Weather module for Inky-Calendar software.
Copyright by aceisace
from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module
from inkycal.custom import *
import math, decimal
import arrow
from locale import getdefaultlocale as sys_locale
from pyowm.owm import OWM
except ImportError:
print('pyowm is not installed! Please install with:')
print('pip3 install pyowm')
filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0]
logger = logging.getLogger(filename)
class Weather(inkycal_module):
"""Weather class
parses weather details from openweathermap
name = "Weather (openweathermap) - Get weather forecasts from openweathermap"
requires = {
"api_key" : {
"label":"Please enter openweathermap api-key. You can create one for free on openweathermap",
"location": {
"label":"Please enter your location in the following format: City, Country-Code. "+
"You can also enter the location ID found in the url "+
"e.g. -> ID is 4893171"
optional = {
"round_temperature": {
"label":"Round temperature to the nearest degree?",
"options": [True, False],
"default" : True
"round_windspeed": {
"label":"Round windspeed?",
"options": [True, False],
"default": True
"forecast_interval": {
"label":"Please select the forecast interval",
"options": ["daily", "hourly"],
"default": "daily"
"units": {
"label": "Which units should be used?",
"options": ["metric", "imperial"],
"default": "metric"
"hour_format": {
"label": "Which hour format do you prefer?",
"options": [12, 24],
"default": 24
"use_beaufort": {
"label": "Use beaufort scale for windspeed?",
"options": [True, False],
"default": True
def __init__(self, config):
"""Initialize inkycal_weather module"""
config = config['config']
# Check if all required parameters are present
for param in self.requires:
if not param in config:
raise Exception(f'config is missing {param}')
# required parameters
self.api_key = config['api_key']
self.location = config['location']
# optional parameters
self.round_temperature = config['round_temperature']
self.round_windspeed = config['round_windspeed']
self.forecast_interval = config['forecast_interval']
self.units = config['units']
self.hour_format = int(config['hour_format'])
self.use_beaufort = config['use_beaufort']
# additional configuration
self.owm = OWM(self.api_key).weather_manager()
self.timezone = get_system_tz()
self.locale = config['language']
self.weatherfont = ImageFont.truetype(
fonts['weathericons-regular-webfont'], size = self.fontsize)
# give an OK message
print(f"{filename} loaded")
def _validate(self):
if not isinstance(self.api_key, str):
print(f'api_key should be a string, not {self.api_key}')
if not isinstance(self.round_temperature, bool):
print(f'round_temperature should be a boolean, not {self.round_temperature}')
if not isinstance(self.round_windspeed, bool):
print(f'round_windspeed should be a boolean, not {self.round_windspeed}')
if not isinstance(self.forecast_interval, int):
print(f'forecast_interval should be a boolean, not {self.forecast_interval}')
if not isinstance(self.units, str):
print(f'units should be a boolean, not {self.units}')
if not isinstance(self.hour_format, int):
print(f'hour_format should be a int, not {self.hour_format}')
if not isinstance(self.use_beaufort, bool):
print(f'use_beaufort should be a int, not {self.use_beaufort}')
def generate_image(self):
"""Generate image for this module"""
# Define new image size with respect to padding
im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
im_size = im_width, im_height'Image size: {im_size}')
# Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels
im_black ='RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
im_colour ='RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
# Check if internet is available
if internet_available() == True:'Connection test passed')
raise Exception('Network could not be reached :(')
def get_moon_phase():
"""Calculate the current (approximate) moon phase"""
dec = decimal.Decimal
diff = now - arrow.get(2001, 1, 1)
days = dec(diff.days) + (dec(diff.seconds) / dec(86400))
lunations = dec("0.20439731") + (days * dec("0.03386319269"))
position = lunations % dec(1)
index = math.floor((position * dec(8)) + dec("0.5"))
return {0: '\uf095',1: '\uf099',2: '\uf09c',3: '\uf0a0',
4: '\uf0a3',5: '\uf0a7',6: '\uf0aa',7: '\uf0ae' }[int(index) & 7]
def is_negative(temp):
"""Check if temp is below freezing point of water (0°C/30°F)
returns True if temp below freezing point, else False"""
answer = False
if temp_unit == 'celsius' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
answer = True
elif temp_unit == 'fahrenheit' and round(float(temp.split('°')[0])) <= 0:
answer = True
return answer
# Lookup-table for weather icons and weather codes
weathericons = {
'01d': '\uf00d', '02d': '\uf002', '03d': '\uf013',
'04d': '\uf012', '09d': '\uf01a ', '10d': '\uf019',
'11d': '\uf01e', '13d': '\uf01b', '50d': '\uf014',
'01n': '\uf02e', '02n': '\uf013', '03n': '\uf013',
'04n': '\uf013', '09n': '\uf037', '10n': '\uf036',
'11n': '\uf03b', '13n': '\uf038', '50n': '\uf023'
def draw_icon(image, xy, box_size, icon, rotation = None):
"""Custom function to add icons of weather font on image
image = on which image should the text be added?
xy = xy-coordinates as tuple -> (x,y)
box_size = size of text-box -> (width,height)
icon = icon-unicode, looks this up in weathericons dictionary
x,y = xy
box_width, box_height = box_size
text = icon
font = self.weatherfont
# Increase fontsize to fit specified height and width of text box
size = 8
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
while (text_width < int(box_width * 0.9) and
text_height < int(box_height * 0.9)):
size += 1
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)
# Align text to desired position
x = int((box_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))
# Draw the text in the text-box
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
space ='RGBA', (box_width, box_height))
ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill='black', font=font)
if rotation != None:
space.rotate(rotation, expand = True)
# Update only region with text (add text with transparent background)
image.paste(space, xy, space)
# column1 column2 column3 column4 column5 column6 column7
# |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# | time | temperat.| moonphase| forecast1| forecast2| forecast3| forecast4|
# | current |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# | weather | humidity | sunrise | icon1 | icon2 | icon3 | icon4 |
# | icon |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# | | windspeed| sunset | temperat.| temperat.| temperat.| temperat.|
# |----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|
# Calculate size rows and columns
col_width = im_width // 7
if (im_height // 3) > col_width//2:
row_height = (im_height // 4)
row_height = (im_height // 3)
# Adjust the fontsize to make use of most free space
# self.font = auto_fontsize(self.font, row_height)
# Calculate spacings for better centering
spacing_top = int( (im_width % col_width) / 2 )
spacing_left = int( (im_height % row_height) / 2 )
# Define sizes for weather icons
icon_small = int(col_width / 3)
icon_medium = icon_small * 2
icon_large = icon_small * 3
# Calculate the x-axis position of each col
col1 = spacing_top
col2 = col1 + col_width
col3 = col2 + col_width
col4 = col3 + col_width
col5 = col4 + col_width
col6 = col5 + col_width
col7 = col6 + col_width
# Calculate the y-axis position of each row
row1 = spacing_left
row2 = row1 + row_height
row3 = row2 + row_height
# Positions for current weather details
weather_icon_pos = (col1, row1)
temperature_icon_pos = (col2, row1)
temperature_pos = (col2+icon_small, row1)
humidity_icon_pos = (col2, row2)
humidity_pos = (col2+icon_small, row2)
windspeed_icon_pos = (col2, row3)
windspeed_pos = (col2+icon_small, row3)
# Positions for sunrise, sunset, moonphase
moonphase_pos = (col3, row1)
sunrise_icon_pos = (col3, row2)
sunrise_time_pos = (col3+icon_small, row2)
sunset_icon_pos = (col3, row3)
sunset_time_pos = (col3+ icon_small, row3)
# Positions for forecast 1
stamp_fc1 = (col4, row1)
icon_fc1 = (col4, row2)
temp_fc1 = (col4, row3)
# Positions for forecast 2
stamp_fc2 = (col5, row1)
icon_fc2 = (col5, row2)
temp_fc2 = (col5, row3)
# Positions for forecast 3
stamp_fc3 = (col6, row1)
icon_fc3 = (col6, row2)
temp_fc3 = (col6, row3)
# Positions for forecast 4
stamp_fc4 = (col7, row1)
icon_fc4 = (col7, row2)
temp_fc4 = (col7, row3)
# Create current-weather and weather-forecast objects
if self.location.isdigit():
weather = self.owm.weather_at_id(int(self.location)).weather
forecast = self.owm.forecast_at_id(int(self.location), '3h')
weather = self.owm.weather_at_place(self.location).weather
forecast = self.owm.forecast_at_place(self.location, '3h')
# Set decimals
dec_temp = None if self.round_temperature == True else 1
dec_wind = None if self.round_windspeed == True else 1
# Set correct temperature units
if self.units == 'metric':
temp_unit = 'celsius'
elif self.units == 'imperial':
temp_unit = 'fahrenheit'
# Get current time
now = arrow.utcnow()
if self.forecast_interval == 'hourly':
# Forecasts are provided for every 3rd full hour
# find out how many hours there are until the next 3rd full hour
if (now.hour % 3) != 0:
hour_gap = 3 - (now.hour % 3)
hour_gap = 3
# Create timings for hourly forcasts
forecast_timings = [now.shift(hours = + hour_gap + _).floor('hour')
for _ in range(0,12,3)]
# Create forecast objects for given timings
forecasts = [forecast.get_weather_at(forecast_time.datetime) for
forecast_time in forecast_timings]
# Add forecast-data to fc_data dictionary
fc_data = {}
for forecast in forecasts:
temp = '{}°'.format(round(
forecast.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp))
icon = forecast.weather_icon_name
fc_data['fc'+str(forecasts.index(forecast)+1)] = {
'stamp': forecast_timings[forecasts.index(forecast)].format('H.00'
if self.hour_format == 24 else 'h a')
elif self.forecast_interval == 'daily':
logger.debug("getting daily forecasts")
def calculate_forecast(days_from_today):
"""Get temperature range and most frequent icon code for forecast
days_from_today should be int from 1-4: e.g. 2 -> 2 days from today
# Create a list containing time-objects for every 3rd hour of the day
time_range = list(arrow.Arrow.range('hour',
# Get forecasts for each time-object
forecasts = [forecast.get_weather_at(_.datetime) for _ in time_range]
# Get all temperatures for this day
daily_temp = [round(_.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'],
ndigits=dec_temp) for _ in forecasts]
# Calculate min. and max. temp for this day
temp_range = f'{max(daily_temp)}°/{min(daily_temp)}°'
# Get all weather icon codes for this day
daily_icons = [_.weather_icon_name for _ in forecasts]
# Find most common element from all weather icon codes
status = max(set(daily_icons), key=daily_icons.count)
weekday = now.shift(days=days_from_today).format('ddd', locale=
return {'temp':temp_range, 'icon':status, 'stamp': weekday}
forecasts = [calculate_forecast(days) for days in range (1,5)]
fc_data = {}
for forecast in forecasts:
fc_data['fc'+str(forecasts.index(forecast)+1)] = {
'stamp': forecast['stamp']
for key,val in fc_data.items():
# Get some current weather details
temperature = '{}°'.format(round(
weather.temperature(unit=temp_unit)['temp'], ndigits=dec_temp))
weather_icon = weather.weather_icon_name
humidity = str(weather.humidity)
sunrise_raw = arrow.get(weather.sunrise_time()).to(self.timezone)
sunset_raw = arrow.get(weather.sunset_time()).to(self.timezone)
if self.hour_format == 12:
sunrise = sunrise_raw.format('h:mm a')
sunset = sunset_raw.format('h:mm a')
elif self.hour_format == 24:
sunrise = sunrise_raw.format('H:mm')
sunset = sunset_raw.format('H:mm')
# Format the windspeed to user preference
if self.use_beaufort == True:
logger.debug("using beaufort for wind")
wind = str(weather.wind(unit='beaufort')['speed'])
elif self.use_beaufort == False:
if self.units == 'metric':
wind = str(weather.wind(unit='meters_sec')['speed']) + 'm/s'
elif self.units == 'imperial':
wind = str(weather.wind(unit='miles_hour')['speed']) + 'miles/h'
dec = decimal.Decimal
moonphase = get_moon_phase()
# Fill weather details in col 1 (current weather icon)
draw_icon(im_colour, weather_icon_pos, (icon_large, icon_large),
# Fill weather details in col 2 (temp, humidity, wind)
draw_icon(im_colour, temperature_icon_pos, (row_height, row_height),
if is_negative(temperature):
write(im_black, temperature_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
temperature, font = self.font)
write(im_black, temperature_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
temperature, font = self.font)
draw_icon(im_colour, humidity_icon_pos, (row_height, row_height),
write(im_black, humidity_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
humidity+'%', font = self.font)
draw_icon(im_colour, windspeed_icon_pos, (icon_small, icon_small),
write(im_black, windspeed_pos, (col_width-icon_small, row_height),
wind, font=self.font)
# Fill weather details in col 3 (moonphase, sunrise, sunset)
draw_icon(im_colour, moonphase_pos, (col_width, row_height), moonphase)
draw_icon(im_colour, sunrise_icon_pos, (icon_small, icon_small), '\uf051')
write(im_black, sunrise_time_pos, (col_width-icon_small, icon_small),
sunrise, font = self.font)
draw_icon(im_colour, sunset_icon_pos, (icon_small, icon_small), '\uf052')
write(im_black, sunset_time_pos, (col_width-icon_small, icon_small), sunset,
font = self.font)
# Add the forecast data to the correct places
for pos in range(1, len(fc_data)+1):
stamp = fc_data['fc'+str(pos)]['stamp']
icon = weathericons[fc_data['fc'+str(pos)]['icon']]
temp = fc_data['fc'+str(pos)]['temp']
write(im_black, eval('stamp_fc'+str(pos)), (col_width, row_height),
stamp, font = self.font)
draw_icon(im_colour, eval('icon_fc'+str(pos)), (col_width, row_height),
write(im_black, eval('temp_fc'+str(pos)), (col_width, row_height),
temp, font = self.font)
# Add borders around each sub-section
draw_border(im_black, (col1, row1), (col_width*3, im_height),
draw_border(im_black, (col4, row1), (col_width, im_height))
draw_border(im_black, (col5, row1), (col_width, im_height))
draw_border(im_black, (col6, row1), (col_width, im_height))
draw_border(im_black, (col7, row1), (col_width, im_height))
# return the images ready for the display
return im_black, im_colour
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f'running {filename} in standalone mode')