Ace 5fa6102c0d Inititial commit for release v2.0.0
A lot of work-in-progress and far from complete.
Lots of improvements related to user-friendliness, fully new web-UI. Better infrastructure....
more coming soon
2020-11-09 17:42:04 +01:00

177 lines
5.5 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
todoist module for Inky-Calendar Project
Copyright by aceisace
from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module
from inkycal.custom import *
import todoist
except ImportError:
print('todoist is not installed! Please install with:')
print('pip3 install todoist-python')
filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0]
logger = logging.getLogger(filename)
class Todoist(inkycal_module):
"""Todoist api class
parses todo's from api-key
name = "Inkycal Todoist"
requires = {
'api_key': {
"label":"Please enter your Todoist API-key",
optional = {
'project_filter': {
"label":"Show Todos only from following project (separated by a comma). Leave empty to show "+
"todos from all projects",
"default": []
def __init__(self, section_size, section_config):
"""Initialize inkycal_rss module"""
super().__init__(section_size, section_config)
# Module specific parameters
for param in self.requires:
if not param in section_config:
raise Exception('config is missing {}'.format(param))
# module specific parameters
self.api_key = self.config['api_key']
self.project_filter = self.config['project_filter']# only show todos from these projects
self._api = todoist.TodoistAPI(self.config['api_key'])
# give an OK message
print('{0} loaded'.format(
def _validate(self):
"""Validate module-specific parameters"""
if not isinstance(self.api_key, str):
print('api_key has to be a string: "Yourtopsecretkey123" ')
def generate_image(self):
"""Generate image for this module"""
# Define new image size with respect to padding
im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_x))
im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_y))
im_size = im_width, im_height'image size: {} x {} px'.format(im_width, im_height))
# Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels
im_black ='RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
im_colour ='RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
# Check if internet is available
if internet_available() == True:'Connection test passed')
raise Exception('Network could not be reached :/')
# Set some parameters for formatting todos
line_spacing = 1
line_height = self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing
line_width = im_width
max_lines = (im_height // (self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing))
# Calculate padding from top so the lines look centralised
spacing_top = int( im_height % line_height / 2 )
# Calculate line_positions
line_positions = [
(0, spacing_top + _ * line_height ) for _ in range(max_lines)]
# Get all projects by name and id
all_projects = {project['name']: project['id']
for project in self._api.projects.all()}
# Check if project from filter could be found
if self.project_filter:
for project in self.project_filter:
if project not in all_projects:
print('Could not find a project named {}'.format(project))
# function for extracting project names from tasks
get_project_name = lambda task: (self._api.projects.get_data(
# If the filter is empty, parse all tasks which are not yet done
if self.project_filter:
tasks = ( for task in self._api.state['items']
if (task['checked'] == 0) and
(get_project_name(task) in self.project_filter))
# If filter is not empty, parse undone tasks in only those projects
tasks = ( for task in self._api.state['items'] if
(task['checked'] == 0))
# Simplify the tasks for faster processing
simplified = [{'name':task['content'],
for task in tasks]
# Group tasks by project name
grouped = {}
if self.project_filter:
for project in self.project_filter:
project_id = all_projects[project]
grouped[ project ] = [
task for task in simplified if task['project_id'] == project_id]
for project in all_projects:
project_id = all_projects[project]
grouped[ project ] = [
task for task in simplified if task['project_id'] == project_id]
# Print tasks sorted by groups
for project, tasks in grouped.items():
print('*', project)
for task in tasks:
print('{} {}'.format(
task['due']['string'] if task['due'] != None else '', task['name']))
## # Write rss-feeds on image
## for _ in range(len(filtered_feeds)):
## write(im_black, line_positions[_], (line_width, line_height),
## filtered_feeds[_], font = self.font, alignment= 'left')
# Cleanup ---------------------------
# del grouped, parsed_feeds, wrapped, counter, text
# return the images ready for the display
return im_black, im_colour
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('running {0} in standalone/debug mode'.format(filename))
config = {'api_key':'4e166367dcafdd60e6a9f4cbed598d578bf2c359'}
size = (480, 100)
a = Todoist(size, config)
b,c = a.generate_image()