Ace 30a202fe50
Minor improvements + bugfix
OWM uses UTC-time to provide weather forecasts. Previously, a timezone-aware stamp was used which caused problems with the forecasts for some users. By switching to UTC time, the problem is fixed.
In case somethign goes wrong, the error message will be printed directly on the coresponding section.
Added support for 2-colour mode (due to new driver files).
2020-02-04 16:49:20 +01:00

363 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Weather module for Inky-Calendar software.
The lunar phase calculation is from Sean B. Palmer,
Thank You Palmer for the awesome code!
Copyright by aceisace
from __future__ import print_function
import pyowm
from configuration import *
import math, decimal
dec = decimal.Decimal
"""Optional parameters"""
round_temperature = True
round_windspeed = True
use_beaufort = True
show_wind_direction = False
use_wind_direction_icon = False
now_str = 'now'
"""Set the optional parameters"""
decimal_places_temperature = None if round_temperature == True else 1
decimal_places_windspeed = None if round_windspeed == True else 1
print('Initialising weather...', end=' ')
owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key, language=language)
"""Icon-code to unicode dictionary for weather-font"""
weathericons = {
'01d': '\uf00d', '02d': '\uf002', '03d': '\uf013',
'04d': '\uf012', '09d': '\uf01a', '10d': '\uf019',
'11d': '\uf01e', '13d': '\uf01b', '50d': '\uf014',
'01n': '\uf02e', '02n': '\uf013', '03n': '\uf013',
'04n': '\uf013', '09n': '\uf037', '10n': '\uf036',
'11n': '\uf03b', '13n': '\uf038', '50n': '\uf023'
"""Add a border to increase readability"""
border_top = int(top_section_height * 0.05)
border_left = int(top_section_width * 0.02)
"""Calculate size for each weather sub-section"""
row_height = (top_section_height-(border_top*2)) // 3
coloumn_width = (top_section_width-(border_left*2)) // 7
"""Calculate paddings"""
x_padding = int( (top_section_width % coloumn_width) / 2 )
y_padding = int( (top_section_height % row_height) / 2 )
"""Allocate sizes for weather icons"""
icon_small = row_height
icon_medium = row_height * 2
"""Calculate the x-axis position of each coloumn"""
coloumn1 = x_padding
coloumn2 = coloumn1 + coloumn_width
coloumn3 = coloumn2 + coloumn_width
coloumn4 = coloumn3 + coloumn_width
coloumn5 = coloumn4 + coloumn_width
coloumn6 = coloumn5 + coloumn_width
coloumn7 = coloumn6 + coloumn_width
"""Calculate the y-axis position of each row"""
row1 = y_padding
row2 = row1 + row_height
row3 = row2 + row_height
"""Allocate positions for current weather details"""
text_now_pos = (coloumn1, row1)
weather_icon_now_pos = (coloumn1, row2)
temperature_icon_now_pos = (coloumn2, row1)
temperature_now_pos = (coloumn2+icon_small, row1)
humidity_icon_now_pos = (coloumn2, row2)
humidity_now_pos = (coloumn2+icon_small, row2)
windspeed_icon_now_pos = (coloumn2, row3)
windspeed_now_pos = (coloumn2+icon_small, row3)
moon_phase_now_pos = (coloumn3, row1)
sunrise_icon_now_pos = (coloumn3, row2)
sunrise_time_now_pos = (coloumn3+icon_small, row2)
sunset_icon_now_pos = (coloumn3, row3)
sunset_time_now_pos = (coloumn3+ icon_small, row3)
"""Allocate positions for weather forecast after 3 hours"""
text_fc1_pos = (coloumn4, row1)
icon_fc1_pos = (coloumn4, row2)
temperature_fc1_pos = (coloumn4, row3)
"""Allocate positions for weather forecast after 6 hours"""
text_fc2_pos = (coloumn5, row1)
icon_fc2_pos = (coloumn5, row2)
temperature_fc2_pos = (coloumn5, row3)
"""Allocate positions for weather forecast after 9 hours"""
text_fc3_pos = (coloumn6, row1)
icon_fc3_pos = (coloumn6, row2)
temperature_fc3_pos = (coloumn6, row3)
"""Allocate positions for weather forecast after 12 hours"""
text_fc4_pos = (coloumn7, row1)
icon_fc4_pos = (coloumn7, row2)
temperature_fc4_pos = (coloumn7, row3)
"""Windspeed (m/s) to beaufort (index of list) conversion"""
windspeed_to_beaufort = [0.02, 1.5, 3.3, 5.4, 7.9, 10.7, 13.8, 17.1, 20.7,
24.4, 28.4, 32.6, 100]
def to_units(kelvin):
"""Function to convert tempertures from kelvin to celcius or fahrenheit"""
degrees_celsius = round(kelvin - 273.15, ndigits = decimal_places_temperature)
fahrenheit = round((kelvin - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32,
ndigits = decimal_places_temperature)
if units == 'metric':
conversion = str(degrees_celsius) + '°C'
if units == 'imperial':
conversion = str(fahrenheit) + 'F'
return conversion
def red_temp(negative_temperature):
if three_colour_support == True and negative_temperature[0] == '-' and units == 'metric':
colour = 'red'
colour = 'black'
return colour
"""Function to convert time objects to specified format 12/24 hours"""
"""Simple means just the hour and if 12 hours, am/pm as well"""
def to_hours(datetime_object, simple = False):
if hours == '24':
if simple == True:
converted_time = datetime_object.format('H') + '.00'
converted_time = datetime_object.format('HH:mm')
if simple == True:
converted_time = datetime_object.format('H a')
converted_time = datetime_object.format('hh:mm')
return str(converted_time)
"""Choose font optimised for the weather section"""
fontsize = 8
font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'Medium.ttf', fontsize)
fill_height = 0.8
while font.getsize('hg')[1] <= (row_height * fill_height):
fontsize += 1
font = ImageFont.truetype(NotoSans+'.ttf', fontsize)
def generate_image():
"""Connect to Openweathermap API and fetch weather data"""
if top_section == "inkycal_weather" and api_key != "" and owm.is_API_online() is True:
print('Weather module: Connectivity check passed, Generating image...',
end = '')
current_weather_setup = owm.weather_at_place(location)
weather = current_weather_setup.get_weather()
"""Set-up and get weather forecast data"""
forecast = owm.three_hours_forecast(location)
"""Round the hour to the nearest multiple of 3"""
now = arrow.utcnow()
if (now.hour % 3) != 0:
hour_gap = 3 - (now.hour % 3)
hour_gap = 3
"""Prepare timings for forecasts"""
fc1 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap).floor('hour')
fc2 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap + 3).floor('hour')
fc3 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap + 6).floor('hour')
fc4 = now.replace(hours = + hour_gap + 9).floor('hour')
"""Prepare forecast objects for the specified timings"""
forecast_fc1 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc1.datetime)
forecast_fc2 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc2.datetime)
forecast_fc3 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc3.datetime)
forecast_fc4 = forecast.get_weather_at(fc4.datetime)
"""Get the current temperature and forcasts temperatures"""
temperature_now = to_units(weather.get_temperature()['temp'])
temperature_fc1 = to_units(forecast_fc1.get_temperature()['temp'])
temperature_fc2 = to_units(forecast_fc2.get_temperature()['temp'])
temperature_fc3 = to_units(forecast_fc3.get_temperature()['temp'])
temperature_fc4 = to_units(forecast_fc4.get_temperature()['temp'])
"""Get current and forecast weather icon names"""
weather_icon_now = weather.get_weather_icon_name()
weather_icon_fc1 = forecast_fc1.get_weather_icon_name()
weather_icon_fc2 = forecast_fc2.get_weather_icon_name()
weather_icon_fc3 = forecast_fc3.get_weather_icon_name()
weather_icon_fc4 = forecast_fc4.get_weather_icon_name()
"""Parse current weather details"""
sunrise_time_now = arrow.get(weather.get_sunrise_time()).to(get_tz())
sunset_time_now = arrow.get(weather.get_sunset_time()).to(get_tz())
humidity_now = str(weather.get_humidity())
cloudstatus_now = str(weather.get_clouds())
weather_description_now = str(weather.get_detailed_status())
windspeed_now = weather.get_wind(unit='meters_sec')['speed']
wind_degrees = forecast_fc1.get_wind()['deg']
wind_direction = ["N","NE","E","SE","S","SW","W","NW"][round(
wind_degrees/45) % 8]
if use_beaufort == True:
wind = str([windspeed_to_beaufort.index(_) for _ in
windspeed_to_beaufort if windspeed_now < _][0])
meters_sec = round(windspeed_now, ndigits = windspeed_decimal_places)
miles_per_hour = round(windspeed_now * 2,23694,
ndigits = windspeed_decimal_places)
if units == 'metric':
wind = str(meters_sec) + 'm/s'
if units == 'imperial':
wind = str(miles_per_hour) + 'mph'
if show_wind_direction == True:
wind += '({0})'.format(wind_direction)
"""Calculate the moon phase"""
def get_moon_phase():
diff = now - arrow.get(2001, 1, 1)
days = dec(diff.days) + (dec(diff.seconds) / dec(86400))
lunations = dec("0.20439731") + (days * dec("0.03386319269"))
position = lunations % dec(1)
index = math.floor((position * dec(8)) + dec("0.5"))
return {0: '\uf095',1: '\uf099',2: '\uf09c',3: '\uf0a0',
4: '\uf0a3',5: '\uf0a7',6: '\uf0aa',7: '\uf0ae' }[int(index) & 7]
moonphase = get_moon_phase()
"""Add weather details in column 1"""
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, now_str, text_now_pos, font = font)
write_text(icon_medium, icon_medium, weathericons[weather_icon_now],
weather_icon_now_pos, font = w_font, fill_width = 0.9)
"""Add weather details in column 2"""
write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf053', temperature_icon_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9)
write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf07a', humidity_icon_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9)
if use_wind_direction_icon == False:
write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf050', windspeed_icon_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9)
write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf0b1', windspeed_icon_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9, rotation = -wind_degrees)
write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, temperature_now,
temperature_now_pos, font = font, colour= red_temp(temperature_now))
write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, humidity_now+'%',
humidity_now_pos, font = font)
write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height, wind,
windspeed_now_pos, font = font, autofit = True)
"""Add weather details in column 3"""
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, moonphase , moon_phase_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9)
write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf051', sunrise_icon_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9)
write_text(icon_small, icon_small, '\uf052', sunset_icon_now_pos,
font = w_font, fill_height = 0.9)
write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height,
to_hours(sunrise_time_now), sunrise_time_now_pos, font = font,
fill_width = 0.9)
write_text(coloumn_width-icon_small, row_height,
to_hours(sunset_time_now), sunset_time_now_pos, font = font,
fill_width = 0.9)
"""Add weather details in column 4 (forecast 1)"""
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc1, simple=True),
text_fc1_pos, font = font)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc1],
icon_fc1_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc1,
temperature_fc1_pos, font = font, colour = red_temp(
"""Add weather details in column 5 (forecast 2)"""
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc2, simple=True),
text_fc2_pos, font = font)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc2],
icon_fc2_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc2,
temperature_fc2_pos, font = font, colour = red_temp(
"""Add weather details in column 6 (forecast 3)"""
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc3, simple=True),
text_fc3_pos, font = font)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc3],
icon_fc3_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc3,
temperature_fc3_pos, font = font, colour = red_temp(
"""Add weather details in coloumn 7 (forecast 4)"""
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, to_hours(fc4, simple=True),
text_fc4_pos, font = font)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, weathericons[weather_icon_fc4],
icon_fc4_pos, font = w_font, fill_height = 1.0)
write_text(coloumn_width, row_height, temperature_fc4,
temperature_fc4_pos, font = font, colour = red_temp(
"""Add vertical lines between forecast sections"""
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
line_start_y = int(top_section_height*0.1)
line_end_y = int(top_section_height*0.9)
draw.line((coloumn4, line_start_y, coloumn4, line_end_y), fill='black')
draw.line((coloumn5, line_start_y, coloumn5, line_end_y), fill='black')
draw.line((coloumn6, line_start_y, coloumn6, line_end_y), fill='black')
draw.line((coloumn7, line_start_y, coloumn7, line_end_y), fill='black')
if three_colour_support == True:
draw_col.line((0, top_section_height-border_top, top_section_width-
border_left, top_section_height-border_top), fill='black', width=3)
draw.line((0, top_section_height-border_top, top_section_width-
border_left, top_section_height-border_top), fill='black', width=3)
weather_image = crop_image(image, 'top_section')'inkycal_weather.png')
if three_colour_support == True:
weather_image_col = crop_image(image_col, 'top_section')'inkycal_weather_col.png')
except Exception as e:
"""If something went wrong, print a Error message on the Terminal"""
print('Error in weather module!')
print('Reason: ',e)
write_text(top_section_width, top_section_height, str(e),
(0, 0), font = font)
weather_image = crop_image(image, 'top_section')'inkycal_weather.png')
def main():