Deleted groups would previously cause the module to fail as the api would still show todos from groups that have been deleted, but not the name of the group. Iterating over the groups caused a KeyError Exception. This commit does an additional check to see if the group really does exist or has been deleted.
205 lines
6.4 KiB
205 lines
6.4 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
todoist module for Inky-Calendar Project
Copyright by aceisace
from inkycal.modules.template import inkycal_module
from inkycal.custom import *
import todoist
except ImportError:
print('todoist is not installed! Please install with:')
print('pip3 install todoist-python')
filename = os.path.basename(__file__).split('.py')[0]
logger = logging.getLogger(filename)
class Todoist(inkycal_module):
"""Todoist api class
parses todo's from api-key
name = "Todoist API - show your todos from todoist"
requires = {
'api_key': {
"label":"Please enter your Todoist API-key",
optional = {
'project_filter': {
"label":"Show Todos only from following project (separated by a comma). Leave empty to show "+
"todos from all projects",
def __init__(self, config):
"""Initialize inkycal_rss module"""
config = config['config']
# Check if all required parameters are present
for param in self.requires:
if not param in config:
raise Exception(f'config is missing {param}')
# module specific parameters
self.api_key = config['api_key']
# if project filter is set, initialize it
if config['project_filter'] and isinstance(config['project_filter'], str):
self.project_filter = config['project_filter'].split(',')
self.project_filter = config['project_filter']
self._api = todoist.TodoistAPI(config['api_key'])
# give an OK message
print(f'{filename} loaded')
def _validate(self):
"""Validate module-specific parameters"""
if not isinstance(self.api_key, str):
print('api_key has to be a string: "Yourtopsecretkey123" ')
def generate_image(self):
"""Generate image for this module"""
# Define new image size with respect to padding
im_width = int(self.width - (2 * self.padding_left))
im_height = int(self.height - (2 * self.padding_top))
im_size = im_width, im_height
|'Image size: {im_size}')
# Create an image for black pixels and one for coloured pixels
im_black ='RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
im_colour ='RGB', size = im_size, color = 'white')
# Check if internet is available
if internet_available() == True:
|'Connection test passed')
raise Exception('Network could not be reached :/')
# Set some parameters for formatting todos
line_spacing = 1
line_height = self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing
line_width = im_width
max_lines = (im_height // (self.font.getsize('hg')[1] + line_spacing))
# Calculate padding from top so the lines look centralised
spacing_top = int( im_height % line_height / 2 )
# Calculate line_positions
line_positions = [
(0, spacing_top + _ * line_height ) for _ in range(max_lines)]
# Get all projects by name and id
all_projects = {project['id']: project['name']
for project in self._api.projects.all()}
logger.debug(f"all_projects: {all_projects}")
# Filter entries in all_projects if filter was given
if self.project_filter:
for project_id in list(all_projects):
if all_projects[project_id] not in self.project_filter:
del all_projects[project_id]
logger.debug(f"all_project: {all_projects}")
# If filter was activated and no roject was found with that name,
# raise an exception to avoid showing a blank image
if all_projects == {}:
logger.error('No project found from project filter!')
logger.error('Please double check spellings in project_filter')
raise Exception('No matching project found in filter. Please '
'double check spellings in project_filter or leave'
# Create single-use generator to filter undone and non-deleted tasks
tasks = ( for task in self._api.state['items'] if
task['checked'] == 0 and task['is_deleted']==0)
# Simplify the tasks for faster processing
simplified = [
'due':task['due']['string'] if task['due'] != None else "",
'project':all_projects[ task['project_id' ] ] if task['project_id'] in all_projects else "deleted"
for task in tasks]
# remove groups that have been deleted
simplified = [task for task in simplified if task['project'] != "deleted"]
logger.debug(f'simplified: {simplified}')
# Get maximum width of project names for selected font
project_width = int(max([
self.font.getsize(task['project'])[0] for task in simplified ]) * 1.1)
# Get maximum width of project dues for selected font
due_width = int(max([
self.font.getsize(task['due'])[0] for task in simplified ]) * 1.1)
# Group tasks by project name
grouped = {name: [] for id_, name in all_projects.items()}
for task in simplified:
if task['project'] in grouped:
logger.debug(f"grouped: {grouped}")
# Add the parsed todos on the image
cursor = 0
for name, todos in grouped.items():
if todos:
for todo in todos:
if cursor < len(line_positions):
line_x, line_y = line_positions[cursor]
# Add todo project name
im_colour, line_positions[cursor],
(project_width, line_height),
todo['project'], font=self.font, alignment='left')
# Add todo due if not empty
if todo['due'] != "":
(line_x + project_width, line_y),
(due_width, line_height),
todo['due'], font=self.font, alignment='left')
# Add todo name
(line_x+project_width+due_width, line_y),
(im_width-project_width-due_width, line_height),
todo['name'], font=self.font, alignment='left')
cursor += 1
logger.error('More todos than available lines')
# return the images ready for the display
return im_black, im_colour
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(f'running {filename} in standalone/debug mode')