2020-06-30 11:05:38 +02:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
# NAS-Bench-201: Extending the Scope of Reproducible Neural Architecture Search, ICLR 2020 #
# In this Python file, we define NASBenchMetaAPI, the abstract class for benchmark APIs.
# We also define the class ArchResults, which contains all information of a single architecture trained by one kind of hyper-parameters on three datasets.
# We also define the class ResultsCount, which contains all information of a single trial for a single architecture.
# History:
# [2020.06.30] The first version.
import os , abc , copy , random , torch , numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List , Text , Union , Dict , Optional
from collections import OrderedDict , defaultdict
def remap_dataset_set_names ( dataset , metric_on_set , verbose = False ) :
""" re-map the metric_on_set to internal keys """
if verbose :
print ( ' Call internal function _remap_dataset_set_names with dataset= {:} and metric_on_set= {:} ' . format ( dataset , metric_on_set ) )
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' and metric_on_set == ' valid ' :
dataset , metric_on_set = ' cifar10-valid ' , ' x-valid '
elif dataset == ' cifar10 ' and metric_on_set == ' test ' :
dataset , metric_on_set = ' cifar10 ' , ' ori-test '
elif dataset == ' cifar10 ' and metric_on_set == ' train ' :
dataset , metric_on_set = ' cifar10 ' , ' train '
elif ( dataset == ' cifar100 ' or dataset == ' ImageNet16-120 ' ) and metric_on_set == ' valid ' :
metric_on_set = ' x-valid '
elif ( dataset == ' cifar100 ' or dataset == ' ImageNet16-120 ' ) and metric_on_set == ' test ' :
metric_on_set = ' x-test '
if verbose :
print ( ' return dataset= {:} and metric_on_set= {:} ' . format ( dataset , metric_on_set ) )
return dataset , metric_on_set
class NASBenchMetaAPI ( metaclass = abc . ABCMeta ) :
def __init__ ( self , file_path_or_dict : Optional [ Union [ Text , Dict ] ] = None , verbose : bool = True ) :
""" The initialization function that takes the dataset file path (or a dict loaded from that path) as input. """
def __getitem__ ( self , index : int ) :
return copy . deepcopy ( self . meta_archs [ index ] )
def arch ( self , index : int ) :
""" Return the topology structure of the `index`-th architecture. """
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call the arch function with index= {:} ' . format ( index ) )
assert 0 < = index < len ( self . meta_archs ) , ' invalid index : {:} vs. {:} . ' . format ( index , len ( self . meta_archs ) )
return copy . deepcopy ( self . meta_archs [ index ] )
def __len__ ( self ) :
return len ( self . meta_archs )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ( ' {name} ( {num} / {total} architectures, file= {filename} ) ' . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , num = len ( self . evaluated_indexes ) , total = len ( self . meta_archs ) , filename = self . filename ) )
2020-07-06 00:29:26 +02:00
def avaliable_hps ( self ) :
return list ( copy . deepcopy ( self . _avaliable_hps ) )
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def used_time ( self ) :
return self . _used_time
def reset_time ( self ) :
self . _used_time = 0
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def simulate_train_eval ( self , arch , dataset , hp = ' 12 ' , account_time = True ) :
2020-07-13 04:53:11 +02:00
index = self . query_index_by_arch ( arch )
all_names = ( ' cifar10 ' , ' cifar100 ' , ' ImageNet16-120 ' )
assert dataset in all_names , ' Invalid dataset name : {:} vs {:} ' . format ( dataset , all_names )
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
info = self . get_more_info ( index , ' cifar10-valid ' , iepoch = None , hp = hp , is_random = True )
else :
info = self . get_more_info ( index , dataset , iepoch = None , hp = hp , is_random = True )
valid_acc , time_cost = info [ ' valid-accuracy ' ] , info [ ' train-all-time ' ] + info [ ' valid-per-time ' ]
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latency = self . get_latency ( index , dataset )
if account_time :
self . _used_time + = time_cost
return valid_acc , latency , time_cost , self . _used_time
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2020-06-30 11:05:38 +02:00
def random ( self ) :
""" Return a random index of all architectures. """
return random . randint ( 0 , len ( self . meta_archs ) - 1 )
def query_index_by_arch ( self , arch ) :
""" This function is used to query the index of an architecture in the search space.
In the topology search space , the input arch can be an architecture string such as ' |nor_conv_3x3~0|+|nor_conv_3x3~0|avg_pool_3x3~1|+|skip_connect~0|nor_conv_3x3~1|skip_connect~2| ' ;
or an instance that has the ' tostr ' function that can generate the architecture string ;
or it is directly an architecture index , in this case , we will check whether it is valid or not .
This function will return the index .
If return - 1 , it means this architecture is not in the search space .
Otherwise , it will return an int in [ 0 , the - number - of - candidates - in - the - search - space ) .
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call query_index_by_arch with arch= {:} ' . format ( arch ) )
if isinstance ( arch , int ) :
if 0 < = arch < len ( self ) :
return arch
else :
raise ValueError ( ' Invalid architecture index {:} vs [ {:} , {:} ]. ' . format ( arch , 0 , len ( self ) ) )
elif isinstance ( arch , str ) :
if arch in self . archstr2index : arch_index = self . archstr2index [ arch ]
else : arch_index = - 1
elif hasattr ( arch , ' tostr ' ) :
if arch . tostr ( ) in self . archstr2index : arch_index = self . archstr2index [ arch . tostr ( ) ]
else : arch_index = - 1
else : arch_index = - 1
return arch_index
2020-07-08 06:05:55 +02:00
def query_by_arch ( self , arch , hp ) :
# This is to make the current version be compatible with the old version.
return self . query_info_str_by_arch ( arch , hp )
2020-06-30 11:05:38 +02:00
def reload ( self , archive_root : Text = None , index : int = None ) :
""" Overwrite all information of the ' index ' -th architecture in the search space, where the data will be loaded from ' archive_root ' .
If index is None , overwrite all ckps .
def clear_params ( self , index : int , hp : Optional [ Text ] = None ) :
""" Remove the architecture ' s weights to save memory.
: arg
index : the index of the target architecture
hp : a flag to controll how to clear the parameters .
- - None : clear all the weights in ' 01 ' / ' 12 ' / ' 90 ' , which indicates the number of training epochs .
- - ' 01 ' or ' 12 ' or ' 90 ' : clear all the weights in arch2infos_dict [ index ] [ hp ] .
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call clear_params with index= {:} and hp= {:} ' . format ( index , hp ) )
if hp is None :
for key , result in self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] . items ( ) :
result . clear_params ( )
else :
if str ( hp ) not in self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] :
raise ValueError ( ' The {:} -th architecture only has hyper-parameters of {:} instead of {:} . ' . format ( index , list ( self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] . keys ( ) ) , hp ) )
self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] [ str ( hp ) ] . clear_params ( )
def query_info_str_by_arch ( self , arch , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) :
""" This function is used to query the information of a specific architecture. """
def _query_info_str_by_arch ( self , arch , hp : Text = ' 12 ' , print_information = None ) :
arch_index = self . query_index_by_arch ( arch )
if arch_index in self . arch2infos_dict :
if hp not in self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] :
raise ValueError ( ' The {:} -th architecture only has hyper-parameters of {:} instead of {:} . ' . format ( index , list ( self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] . keys ( ) ) , hp ) )
info = self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] [ hp ]
strings = print_information ( info , ' arch-index= {:} ' . format ( arch_index ) )
return ' \n ' . join ( strings )
else :
print ( ' Find this arch-index : {:} , but this arch is not evaluated. ' . format ( arch_index ) )
return None
def query_meta_info_by_index ( self , arch_index , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) :
""" Return the ArchResults for the ' arch_index ' -th architecture. This function is similar to query_by_index. """
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call query_meta_info_by_index with arch_index= {:} , hp= {:} ' . format ( arch_index , hp ) )
if arch_index in self . arch2infos_dict :
if hp not in self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] :
raise ValueError ( ' The {:} -th architecture only has hyper-parameters of {:} instead of {:} . ' . format ( arch_index , list ( self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] . keys ( ) ) , hp ) )
info = self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] [ hp ]
else :
raise ValueError ( ' arch_index [ {:} ] does not in arch2infos ' . format ( arch_index ) )
return copy . deepcopy ( info )
def query_by_index ( self , arch_index : int , dataname : Union [ None , Text ] = None , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) :
""" This ' query_by_index ' function is used to query information with the training of 01 epochs, 12 epochs, 90 epochs, or 200 epochs.
- - - - - -
If hp = 01 , we train the model by 01 epochs ( see config in configs / nas - benchmark / hyper - opts / 01 E . config )
If hp = 12 , we train the model by 01 epochs ( see config in configs / nas - benchmark / hyper - opts / 12 E . config )
If hp = 90 , we train the model by 01 epochs ( see config in configs / nas - benchmark / hyper - opts / 90 E . config )
If hp = 200 , we train the model by 01 epochs ( see config in configs / nas - benchmark / hyper - opts / 200 E . config )
- - - - - -
If dataname is None , return the ArchResults
else , return a dict with all trials on that dataset ( the key is the seed )
Options are ' cifar10-valid ' , ' cifar10 ' , ' cifar100 ' , ' ImageNet16-120 ' .
- - cifar10 - valid : training the model on the CIFAR - 10 training set .
- - cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR - 10 training + validation set .
- - cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR - 100 training set .
- - ImageNet16 - 120 : training the model on the ImageNet16 - 120 training set .
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call query_by_index with arch_index= {:} , dataname= {:} , hp= {:} ' . format ( arch_index , dataname , hp ) )
info = self . query_meta_info_by_index ( arch_index , hp )
if dataname is None : return info
else :
if dataname not in info . get_dataset_names ( ) :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid dataset-name : {:} vs. {:} ' . format ( dataname , info . get_dataset_names ( ) ) )
return info . query ( dataname )
def find_best ( self , dataset , metric_on_set , FLOP_max = None , Param_max = None , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) :
""" Find the architecture with the highest accuracy based on some constraints. """
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call find_best with dataset= {:} , metric_on_set= {:} , hp= {:} | with #FLOPs < {:} and #Params < {:} ' . format ( dataset , metric_on_set , hp , FLOP_max , Param_max ) )
dataset , metric_on_set = remap_dataset_set_names ( dataset , metric_on_set , self . verbose )
best_index , highest_accuracy = - 1 , None
for i , arch_index in enumerate ( self . evaluated_indexes ) :
arch_info = self . arch2infos_dict [ arch_index ] [ hp ]
info = arch_info . get_compute_costs ( dataset ) # the information of costs
flop , param , latency = info [ ' flops ' ] , info [ ' params ' ] , info [ ' latency ' ]
if FLOP_max is not None and flop > FLOP_max : continue
if Param_max is not None and param > Param_max : continue
xinfo = arch_info . get_metrics ( dataset , metric_on_set ) # the information of loss and accuracy
loss , accuracy = xinfo [ ' loss ' ] , xinfo [ ' accuracy ' ]
if best_index == - 1 :
best_index , highest_accuracy = arch_index , accuracy
elif highest_accuracy < accuracy :
best_index , highest_accuracy = arch_index , accuracy
if self . verbose :
print ( ' the best architecture : [ {:} ] {:} with accuracy= {:.3f} % ' . format ( best_index , self . arch ( best_index ) , highest_accuracy ) )
return best_index , highest_accuracy
def get_net_param ( self , index , dataset , seed : Optional [ int ] , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) :
This function is used to obtain the trained weights of the ` index ` - th architecture on ` dataset ` with the seed of ` seed `
Args [ seed ] :
- - None : return a dict containing the trained weights of all trials , where each key is a seed and its corresponding value is the weights .
- - a interger : return the weights of a specific trial , whose seed is this interger .
Args [ hp ] :
- - 01 : train the model by 01 epochs
- - 12 : train the model by 12 epochs
- - 90 : train the model by 90 epochs
- - 200 : train the model by 200 epochs
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call the get_net_param function with index= {:} , dataset= {:} , seed= {:} , hp= {:} ' . format ( index , dataset , seed , hp ) )
info = self . query_meta_info_by_index ( index , hp )
return info . get_net_param ( dataset , seed )
def get_net_config ( self , index : int , dataset : Text ) :
This function is used to obtain the configuration for the ` index ` - th architecture on ` dataset ` .
Args [ dataset ] ( 4 possible options ) :
- - cifar10 - valid : training the model on the CIFAR - 10 training set .
- - cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR - 10 training + validation set .
- - cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR - 100 training set .
- - ImageNet16 - 120 : training the model on the ImageNet16 - 120 training set .
This function will return a dict .
== == == == = Some examlpes for using this function :
config = api . get_net_config ( 128 , ' cifar10 ' )
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call the get_net_config function with index= {:} , dataset= {:} . ' . format ( index , dataset ) )
if index in self . arch2infos_dict :
info = self . arch2infos_dict [ index ]
else :
raise ValueError ( ' The arch_index= {:} is not in arch2infos_dict. ' . format ( arch_index ) )
info = next ( iter ( info . values ( ) ) )
results = info . query ( dataset , None )
results = next ( iter ( results . values ( ) ) )
return results . get_config ( None )
def get_cost_info ( self , index : int , dataset : Text , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) - > Dict [ Text , float ] :
""" To obtain the cost metric for the `index`-th architecture on a dataset. """
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call the get_cost_info function with index= {:} , dataset= {:} , and hp= {:} . ' . format ( index , dataset , hp ) )
info = self . query_meta_info_by_index ( index , hp )
return info . get_compute_costs ( dataset )
def get_latency ( self , index : int , dataset : Text , hp : Text = ' 12 ' ) - > float :
To obtain the latency of the network ( by default it will return the latency with the batch size of 256 ) .
: param index : the index of the target architecture
: param dataset : the dataset name ( cifar10 - valid , cifar10 , cifar100 , ImageNet16 - 120 )
: return : return a float value in seconds
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call the get_latency function with index= {:} , dataset= {:} , and hp= {:} . ' . format ( index , dataset , hp ) )
cost_dict = self . get_cost_info ( index , dataset , hp )
return cost_dict [ ' latency ' ]
def show ( self , index = - 1 ) :
""" This function will print the information of a specific (or all) architecture(s). """
def _show ( self , index = - 1 , print_information = None ) - > None :
This function will print the information of a specific ( or all ) architecture ( s ) .
: param index : If the index < 0 : it will loop for all architectures and print their information one by one .
else : it will print the information of the ' index ' - th architecture .
: return : nothing
if index < 0 : # show all architectures
print ( self )
for i , idx in enumerate ( self . evaluated_indexes ) :
print ( ' \n ' + ' - ' * 10 + ' The ( {:5d} / {:5d} ) {:06d} -th architecture! ' . format ( i , len ( self . evaluated_indexes ) , idx ) + ' - ' * 10 )
print ( ' arch : {:} ' . format ( self . meta_archs [ idx ] ) )
for key , result in self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] . items ( ) :
strings = print_information ( result )
print ( ' > ' * 40 + ' {:03d} epochs ' . format ( result . get_total_epoch ( ) ) + ' > ' * 40 )
print ( ' \n ' . join ( strings ) )
print ( ' < ' * 40 + ' ------------ ' + ' < ' * 40 )
else :
if 0 < = index < len ( self . meta_archs ) :
if index not in self . evaluated_indexes : print ( ' The {:} -th architecture has not been evaluated or not saved. ' . format ( index ) )
else :
arch_info = self . arch2infos_dict [ index ]
for key , result in self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] . items ( ) :
strings = print_information ( result )
print ( ' > ' * 40 + ' {:03d} epochs ' . format ( result . get_total_epoch ( ) ) + ' > ' * 40 )
print ( ' \n ' . join ( strings ) )
print ( ' < ' * 40 + ' ------------ ' + ' < ' * 40 )
else :
print ( ' This index ( {:} ) is out of range (0~ {:} ). ' . format ( index , len ( self . meta_archs ) ) )
def statistics ( self , dataset : Text , hp : Union [ Text , int ] ) - > Dict [ int , int ] :
""" This function will count the number of total trials. """
if self . verbose :
print ( ' Call the statistics function with dataset= {:} and hp= {:} . ' . format ( dataset , hp ) )
valid_datasets = [ ' cifar10-valid ' , ' cifar10 ' , ' cifar100 ' , ' ImageNet16-120 ' ]
if dataset not in valid_datasets :
raise ValueError ( ' {:} not in {:} ' . format ( dataset , valid_datasets ) )
nums , hp = defaultdict ( lambda : 0 ) , str ( hp )
for index in range ( len ( self ) ) :
archInfo = self . arch2infos_dict [ index ] [ hp ]
dataset_seed = archInfo . dataset_seed
if dataset not in dataset_seed :
nums [ 0 ] + = 1
else :
nums [ len ( dataset_seed [ dataset ] ) ] + = 1
return dict ( nums )
class ArchResults ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , arch_index , arch_str ) :
self . arch_index = int ( arch_index )
self . arch_str = copy . deepcopy ( arch_str )
self . all_results = dict ( )
self . dataset_seed = dict ( )
self . clear_net_done = False
def get_compute_costs ( self , dataset ) :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
results = [ self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] for seed in x_seeds ]
flops = [ result . flop for result in results ]
params = [ result . params for result in results ]
latencies = [ result . get_latency ( ) for result in results ]
latencies = [ x for x in latencies if x > 0 ]
mean_latency = np . mean ( latencies ) if len ( latencies ) > 0 else None
time_infos = defaultdict ( list )
for result in results :
time_info = result . get_times ( )
for key , value in time_info . items ( ) : time_infos [ key ] . append ( value )
info = { ' flops ' : np . mean ( flops ) ,
' params ' : np . mean ( params ) ,
' latency ' : mean_latency }
for key , value in time_infos . items ( ) :
if len ( value ) > 0 and value [ 0 ] is not None :
info [ key ] = np . mean ( value )
else : info [ key ] = None
return info
def get_metrics ( self , dataset , setname , iepoch = None , is_random = False ) :
This ` get_metrics ` function is used to obtain obtain the loss , accuracy , etc information on a specific dataset .
If not specify , each set refer to the proposed split in NAS - Bench - 201 paper .
If some args return None or raise error , then it is not avaliable .
== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Args [ dataset ] ( 4 possible options ) :
- - cifar10 - valid : training the model on the CIFAR - 10 training set .
- - cifar10 : training the model on the CIFAR - 10 training + validation set .
- - cifar100 : training the model on the CIFAR - 100 training set .
- - ImageNet16 - 120 : training the model on the ImageNet16 - 120 training set .
Args [ setname ] ( each dataset has different setnames ) :
- - When dataset = cifar10 - valid , you can use ' train ' , ' x-valid ' , ' ori-test '
- - - - - - ' train ' : the metric on the training set .
- - - - - - ' x-valid ' : the metric on the validation set .
- - - - - - ' ori-test ' : the metric on the test set .
- - When dataset = cifar10 , you can use ' train ' , ' ori-test ' .
- - - - - - ' train ' : the metric on the training + validation set .
- - - - - - ' ori-test ' : the metric on the test set .
- - When dataset = cifar100 or ImageNet16 - 120 , you can use ' train ' , ' ori-test ' , ' x-valid ' , ' x-test '
- - - - - - ' train ' : the metric on the training set .
- - - - - - ' x-valid ' : the metric on the validation set .
- - - - - - ' x-test ' : the metric on the test set .
- - - - - - ' ori-test ' : the metric on the validation + test set .
Args [ iepoch ] ( None or an integer in [ 0 , the - number - of - total - training - epochs )
- - - - - - None : return the metric after the last training epoch .
- - - - - - an integer i : return the metric after the i - th training epoch .
Args [ is_random ] :
- - - - - - True : return the metric of a randomly selected trial .
- - - - - - False : return the averaged metric of all avaliable trials .
- - - - - - an integer indicating the ' seed ' value : return the metric of a specific trial ( whose random seed is ' is_random ' ) .
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
results = [ self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] for seed in x_seeds ]
infos = defaultdict ( list )
for result in results :
if setname == ' train ' :
info = result . get_train ( iepoch )
else :
info = result . get_eval ( setname , iepoch )
for key , value in info . items ( ) : infos [ key ] . append ( value )
return_info = dict ( )
if isinstance ( is_random , bool ) and is_random : # randomly select one
index = random . randint ( 0 , len ( results ) - 1 )
for key , value in infos . items ( ) : return_info [ key ] = value [ index ]
elif isinstance ( is_random , bool ) and not is_random : # average
for key , value in infos . items ( ) :
if len ( value ) > 0 and value [ 0 ] is not None :
return_info [ key ] = np . mean ( value )
else : return_info [ key ] = None
elif isinstance ( is_random , int ) : # specify the seed
if is_random not in x_seeds : raise ValueError ( ' can not find random seed ( {:} ) from {:} ' . format ( is_random , x_seeds ) )
index = x_seeds . index ( is_random )
for key , value in infos . items ( ) : return_info [ key ] = value [ index ]
else :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid value for is_random: {:} ' . format ( is_random ) )
return return_info
def show ( self , is_print = False ) :
return print_information ( self , None , is_print )
def get_dataset_names ( self ) :
return list ( self . dataset_seed . keys ( ) )
def get_dataset_seeds ( self , dataset ) :
return copy . deepcopy ( self . dataset_seed [ dataset ] )
def get_net_param ( self , dataset : Text , seed : Union [ None , int ] = None ) :
This function will return the trained network ' s weights on the ' dataset ' .
: arg
dataset : one of ' cifar10-valid ' , ' cifar10 ' , ' cifar100 ' , and ' ImageNet16-120 ' .
seed : an integer indicates the seed value or None that indicates returing all trials .
if seed is None :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
return { seed : self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . get_net_param ( ) for seed in x_seeds }
else :
2020-07-06 01:14:15 +02:00
xkey = ( dataset , seed )
if xkey in self . all_results :
return self . all_results [ xkey ] . get_net_param ( )
else :
raise ValueError ( ' key= {:} not in {:} ' . format ( xkey , list ( self . all_results . keys ( ) ) ) )
2020-06-30 11:05:38 +02:00
def reset_latency ( self , dataset : Text , seed : Union [ None , Text ] , latency : float ) - > None :
""" This function is used to reset the latency in all corresponding ResultsCount(s). """
if seed is None :
for seed in self . dataset_seed [ dataset ] :
self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . update_latency ( [ latency ] )
else :
self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . update_latency ( [ latency ] )
def reset_pseudo_train_times ( self , dataset : Text , seed : Union [ None , Text ] , estimated_per_epoch_time : float ) - > None :
""" This function is used to reset the train-times in all corresponding ResultsCount(s). """
if seed is None :
for seed in self . dataset_seed [ dataset ] :
self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . reset_pseudo_train_times ( estimated_per_epoch_time )
else :
self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . reset_pseudo_train_times ( estimated_per_epoch_time )
def reset_pseudo_eval_times ( self , dataset : Text , seed : Union [ None , Text ] , eval_name : Text , estimated_per_epoch_time : float ) - > None :
""" This function is used to reset the eval-times in all corresponding ResultsCount(s). """
if seed is None :
for seed in self . dataset_seed [ dataset ] :
self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . reset_pseudo_eval_times ( eval_name , estimated_per_epoch_time )
else :
self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . reset_pseudo_eval_times ( eval_name , estimated_per_epoch_time )
def get_latency ( self , dataset : Text ) - > float :
""" Get the latency of a model on the target dataset. [Timestamp: 2020.03.09] """
latencies = [ ]
for seed in self . dataset_seed [ dataset ] :
latency = self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . get_latency ( )
if not isinstance ( latency , float ) or latency < = 0 :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid latency of {:} with seed= {:} : {:} ' . format ( dataset , seed , latency ) )
latencies . append ( latency )
return sum ( latencies ) / len ( latencies )
def get_total_epoch ( self , dataset = None ) :
""" Return the total number of training epochs. """
if dataset is None :
epochss = [ ]
for xdata , x_seeds in self . dataset_seed . items ( ) :
epochss + = [ self . all_results [ ( xdata , seed ) ] . get_total_epoch ( ) for seed in x_seeds ]
elif isinstance ( dataset , str ) :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
epochss = [ self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] . get_total_epoch ( ) for seed in x_seeds ]
else :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid dataset= {:} ' . format ( dataset ) )
if len ( set ( epochss ) ) > 1 : raise ValueError ( ' Each trial mush have the same number of training epochs : {:} ' . format ( epochss ) )
return epochss [ - 1 ]
def query ( self , dataset , seed = None ) :
""" Return the ResultsCount object (containing all information of a single trial) for ' dataset ' and ' seed ' """
if seed is None :
x_seeds = self . dataset_seed [ dataset ]
return { seed : self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ] for seed in x_seeds }
else :
return self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ]
def arch_idx_str ( self ) :
return ' {:06d} ' . format ( self . arch_index )
def update ( self , dataset_name , seed , result ) :
if dataset_name not in self . dataset_seed :
self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] = [ ]
assert seed not in self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] , ' {:} -th arch alreadly has this seed ( {:} ) on {:} ' . format ( self . arch_index , seed , dataset_name )
self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] . append ( seed )
self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] = sorted ( self . dataset_seed [ dataset_name ] )
assert ( dataset_name , seed ) not in self . all_results
self . all_results [ ( dataset_name , seed ) ] = result
self . clear_net_done = False
def state_dict ( self ) :
state_dict = dict ( )
for key , value in self . __dict__ . items ( ) :
if key == ' all_results ' : # contain the class of ResultsCount
xvalue = dict ( )
assert isinstance ( value , dict ) , ' invalid type of value for {:} : {:} ' . format ( key , type ( value ) )
for _k , _v in value . items ( ) :
assert isinstance ( _v , ResultsCount ) , ' invalid type of value for {:} / {:} : {:} ' . format ( key , _k , type ( _v ) )
xvalue [ _k ] = _v . state_dict ( )
else :
xvalue = value
state_dict [ key ] = xvalue
return state_dict
def load_state_dict ( self , state_dict ) :
new_state_dict = dict ( )
for key , value in state_dict . items ( ) :
if key == ' all_results ' : # to convert to the class of ResultsCount
xvalue = dict ( )
assert isinstance ( value , dict ) , ' invalid type of value for {:} : {:} ' . format ( key , type ( value ) )
for _k , _v in value . items ( ) :
xvalue [ _k ] = ResultsCount . create_from_state_dict ( _v )
else : xvalue = value
new_state_dict [ key ] = xvalue
self . __dict__ . update ( new_state_dict )
def create_from_state_dict ( state_dict_or_file ) :
x = ArchResults ( - 1 , - 1 )
if isinstance ( state_dict_or_file , str ) : # a file path
state_dict = torch . load ( state_dict_or_file , map_location = ' cpu ' )
elif isinstance ( state_dict_or_file , dict ) :
state_dict = state_dict_or_file
else :
raise ValueError ( ' invalid type of state_dict_or_file : {:} ' . format ( type ( state_dict_or_file ) ) )
x . load_state_dict ( state_dict )
return x
# This function is used to clear the weights saved in each 'result'
# This can help reduce the memory footprint.
def clear_params ( self ) :
for key , result in self . all_results . items ( ) :
del result . net_state_dict
result . net_state_dict = None
self . clear_net_done = True
def debug_test ( self ) :
""" This function is used for me to debug and test, which will call most methods. """
all_dataset = [ ' cifar10-valid ' , ' cifar10 ' , ' cifar100 ' , ' ImageNet16-120 ' ]
for dataset in all_dataset :
print ( ' ---->>>> {:} ' . format ( dataset ) )
print ( ' The latency on {:} is {:} s ' . format ( dataset , self . get_latency ( dataset ) ) )
for seed in self . dataset_seed [ dataset ] :
result = self . all_results [ ( dataset , seed ) ]
print ( ' ==>> result = {:} ' . format ( result ) )
print ( ' ==>> cost = {:} ' . format ( result . get_times ( ) ) )
def __repr__ ( self ) :
return ( ' {name} (arch-index= {index} , arch= {arch} , {num} runs, clear= {clear} ) ' . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , index = self . arch_index , arch = self . arch_str , num = len ( self . all_results ) , clear = self . clear_net_done ) )
This class ( ResultsCount ) is used to save the information of one trial for a single architecture .
I did not write much comment for this class , because it is the lowest - level class in NAS - Bench - 201 API , which will be rarely called .
If you have any question regarding this class , please open an issue or email me .
class ResultsCount ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , name , state_dict , train_accs , train_losses , params , flop , arch_config , seed , epochs , latency ) :
self . name = name
self . net_state_dict = state_dict
self . train_acc1es = copy . deepcopy ( train_accs )
self . train_acc5es = None
self . train_losses = copy . deepcopy ( train_losses )
self . train_times = None
self . arch_config = copy . deepcopy ( arch_config )
self . params = params
self . flop = flop
self . seed = seed
self . epochs = epochs
self . latency = latency
# evaluation results
self . reset_eval ( )
def update_train_info ( self , train_acc1es , train_acc5es , train_losses , train_times ) - > None :
self . train_acc1es = train_acc1es
self . train_acc5es = train_acc5es
self . train_losses = train_losses
self . train_times = train_times
def reset_pseudo_train_times ( self , estimated_per_epoch_time : float ) - > None :
""" Assign the training times. """
train_times = OrderedDict ( )
for i in range ( self . epochs ) :
train_times [ i ] = estimated_per_epoch_time
self . train_times = train_times
def reset_pseudo_eval_times ( self , eval_name : Text , estimated_per_epoch_time : float ) - > None :
""" Assign the evaluation times. """
if eval_name not in self . eval_names : raise ValueError ( ' invalid eval name : {:} ' . format ( eval_name ) )
for i in range ( self . epochs ) :
self . eval_times [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( eval_name , i ) ] = estimated_per_epoch_time
def reset_eval ( self ) :
self . eval_names = [ ]
self . eval_acc1es = { }
self . eval_times = { }
self . eval_losses = { }
def update_latency ( self , latency ) :
self . latency = copy . deepcopy ( latency )
def get_latency ( self ) - > float :
""" Return the latency value in seconds. -1 represents not avaliable ; otherwise it should be a float value """
if self . latency is None : return - 1.0
else : return sum ( self . latency ) / len ( self . latency )
def update_eval ( self , accs , losses , times ) : # new version
data_names = set ( [ x . split ( ' @ ' ) [ 0 ] for x in accs . keys ( ) ] )
for data_name in data_names :
assert data_name not in self . eval_names , ' {:} has already been added into eval-names ' . format ( data_name )
self . eval_names . append ( data_name )
for iepoch in range ( self . epochs ) :
xkey = ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( data_name , iepoch )
self . eval_acc1es [ xkey ] = accs [ xkey ]
self . eval_losses [ xkey ] = losses [ xkey ]
self . eval_times [ xkey ] = times [ xkey ]
def update_OLD_eval ( self , name , accs , losses ) : # old version
assert name not in self . eval_names , ' {:} has already added ' . format ( name )
self . eval_names . append ( name )
for iepoch in range ( self . epochs ) :
if iepoch in accs :
self . eval_acc1es [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( name , iepoch ) ] = accs [ iepoch ]
self . eval_losses [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( name , iepoch ) ] = losses [ iepoch ]
def __repr__ ( self ) :
num_eval = len ( self . eval_names )
set_name = ' [ ' + ' , ' . join ( self . eval_names ) + ' ] '
return ( ' {name} ( {xname} , arch= {arch} , FLOP= {flop:.2f} M, Param= {param:.3f} MB, seed= {seed} , {num_eval} eval-sets: {set_name} ) ' . format ( name = self . __class__ . __name__ , xname = self . name , arch = self . arch_config [ ' arch_str ' ] , flop = self . flop , param = self . params , seed = self . seed , num_eval = num_eval , set_name = set_name ) )
def get_total_epoch ( self ) :
return copy . deepcopy ( self . epochs )
def get_times ( self ) :
""" Obtain the information regarding both training and evaluation time. """
if self . train_times is not None and isinstance ( self . train_times , dict ) :
train_times = list ( self . train_times . values ( ) )
time_info = { ' T-train@epoch ' : np . mean ( train_times ) , ' T-train@total ' : np . sum ( train_times ) }
else :
time_info = { ' T-train@epoch ' : None , ' T-train@total ' : None }
for name in self . eval_names :
try :
xtimes = [ self . eval_times [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( name , i ) ] for i in range ( self . epochs ) ]
time_info [ ' T- {:} @epoch ' . format ( name ) ] = np . mean ( xtimes )
time_info [ ' T- {:} @total ' . format ( name ) ] = np . sum ( xtimes )
except :
time_info [ ' T- {:} @epoch ' . format ( name ) ] = None
time_info [ ' T- {:} @total ' . format ( name ) ] = None
return time_info
def get_eval_set ( self ) :
return self . eval_names
# get the training information
def get_train ( self , iepoch = None ) :
if iepoch is None : iepoch = self . epochs - 1
assert 0 < = iepoch < self . epochs , ' invalid iepoch= {:} < {:} ' . format ( iepoch , self . epochs )
if self . train_times is not None :
xtime = self . train_times [ iepoch ]
atime = sum ( [ self . train_times [ i ] for i in range ( iepoch + 1 ) ] )
else : xtime , atime = None , None
return { ' iepoch ' : iepoch ,
' loss ' : self . train_losses [ iepoch ] ,
' accuracy ' : self . train_acc1es [ iepoch ] ,
' cur_time ' : xtime ,
' all_time ' : atime }
def get_eval ( self , name , iepoch = None ) :
""" Get the evaluation information ; there could be multiple evaluation sets (identified by the ' name ' argument). """
if iepoch is None : iepoch = self . epochs - 1
assert 0 < = iepoch < self . epochs , ' invalid iepoch= {:} < {:} ' . format ( iepoch , self . epochs )
2020-07-01 14:29:46 +02:00
def _internal_query ( xname ) :
if isinstance ( self . eval_times , dict ) and len ( self . eval_times ) > 0 :
xtime = self . eval_times [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( xname , iepoch ) ]
atime = sum ( [ self . eval_times [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( xname , i ) ] for i in range ( iepoch + 1 ) ] )
else :
xtime , atime = None , None
return { ' iepoch ' : iepoch ,
' loss ' : self . eval_losses [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( xname , iepoch ) ] ,
' accuracy ' : self . eval_acc1es [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( xname , iepoch ) ] ,
' cur_time ' : xtime ,
' all_time ' : atime }
if name == ' valid ' :
return _internal_query ( ' x-valid ' )
else :
return _internal_query ( name )
2020-06-30 11:05:38 +02:00
def get_net_param ( self , clone = False ) :
if clone : return copy . deepcopy ( self . net_state_dict )
else : return self . net_state_dict
def get_config ( self , str2structure ) :
""" This function is used to obtain the config dict for this architecture. """
if str2structure is None :
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-301
if ' name ' in self . arch_config and self . arch_config [ ' name ' ] == ' infer.shape.tiny ' :
return { ' name ' : ' infer.shape.tiny ' , ' channels ' : self . arch_config [ ' channels ' ] ,
' genotype ' : self . arch_config [ ' genotype ' ] , ' num_classes ' : self . arch_config [ ' class_num ' ] }
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-201
else :
return { ' name ' : ' infer.tiny ' , ' C ' : self . arch_config [ ' channel ' ] ,
' N ' : self . arch_config [ ' num_cells ' ] ,
' arch_str ' : self . arch_config [ ' arch_str ' ] , ' num_classes ' : self . arch_config [ ' class_num ' ] }
else :
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-301
if ' name ' in self . arch_config and self . arch_config [ ' name ' ] == ' infer.shape.tiny ' :
return { ' name ' : ' infer.shape.tiny ' , ' channels ' : self . arch_config [ ' channels ' ] ,
' genotype ' : str2structure ( self . arch_config [ ' genotype ' ] ) , ' num_classes ' : self . arch_config [ ' class_num ' ] }
# In this case, this is NAS-Bench-201
else :
return { ' name ' : ' infer.tiny ' , ' C ' : self . arch_config [ ' channel ' ] ,
' N ' : self . arch_config [ ' num_cells ' ] ,
' genotype ' : str2structure ( self . arch_config [ ' arch_str ' ] ) , ' num_classes ' : self . arch_config [ ' class_num ' ] }
def state_dict ( self ) :
_state_dict = { key : value for key , value in self . __dict__ . items ( ) }
return _state_dict
def load_state_dict ( self , state_dict ) :
self . __dict__ . update ( state_dict )
def create_from_state_dict ( state_dict ) :
x = ResultsCount ( None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None , None )
x . load_state_dict ( state_dict )
return x