2019-12-29 10:17:26 +01:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019 #
# python exps/NAS-Bench-102/visualize.py --api_path $HOME/.torch/NAS-Bench-102-v1_0-e61699.pth
import os , sys , time , argparse , collections
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch . nn as nn
from pathlib import Path
from collections import defaultdict
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns
from mpl_toolkits . mplot3d import Axes3D
matplotlib . use ( ' agg ' )
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
lib_dir = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' .. ' / ' .. ' / ' lib ' ) . resolve ( )
if str ( lib_dir ) not in sys . path : sys . path . insert ( 0 , str ( lib_dir ) )
from log_utils import time_string
from nas_102_api import NASBench102API as API
def calculate_correlation ( * vectors ) :
matrix = [ ]
for i , vectori in enumerate ( vectors ) :
x = [ ]
for j , vectorj in enumerate ( vectors ) :
x . append ( np . corrcoef ( vectori , vectorj ) [ 0 , 1 ] )
matrix . append ( x )
return np . array ( matrix )
def visualize_relative_ranking ( vis_save_dir ) :
print ( ' \n ' + ' - ' * 100 )
cifar010_cache_path = vis_save_dir / ' {:} -cache-info.pth ' . format ( ' cifar10 ' )
cifar100_cache_path = vis_save_dir / ' {:} -cache-info.pth ' . format ( ' cifar100 ' )
imagenet_cache_path = vis_save_dir / ' {:} -cache-info.pth ' . format ( ' ImageNet16-120 ' )
cifar010_info = torch . load ( cifar010_cache_path )
cifar100_info = torch . load ( cifar100_cache_path )
imagenet_info = torch . load ( imagenet_cache_path )
indexes = list ( range ( len ( cifar010_info [ ' params ' ] ) ) )
print ( ' {:} start to visualize relative ranking ' . format ( time_string ( ) ) )
# maximum accuracy with ResNet-level params 11472
x_010_accs = [ cifar010_info [ ' test_accs ' ] [ i ] if cifar010_info [ ' params ' ] [ i ] < = cifar010_info [ ' params ' ] [ 11472 ] else - 1 for i in indexes ]
x_100_accs = [ cifar100_info [ ' test_accs ' ] [ i ] if cifar100_info [ ' params ' ] [ i ] < = cifar100_info [ ' params ' ] [ 11472 ] else - 1 for i in indexes ]
x_img_accs = [ imagenet_info [ ' test_accs ' ] [ i ] if imagenet_info [ ' params ' ] [ i ] < = imagenet_info [ ' params ' ] [ 11472 ] else - 1 for i in indexes ]
cifar010_ord_indexes = sorted ( indexes , key = lambda i : cifar010_info [ ' test_accs ' ] [ i ] )
cifar100_ord_indexes = sorted ( indexes , key = lambda i : cifar100_info [ ' test_accs ' ] [ i ] )
imagenet_ord_indexes = sorted ( indexes , key = lambda i : imagenet_info [ ' test_accs ' ] [ i ] )
cifar100_labels , imagenet_labels = [ ] , [ ]
for idx in cifar010_ord_indexes :
cifar100_labels . append ( cifar100_ord_indexes . index ( idx ) )
imagenet_labels . append ( imagenet_ord_indexes . index ( idx ) )
print ( ' {:} prepare data done. ' . format ( time_string ( ) ) )
dpi , width , height = 300 , 2600 , 2600
figsize = width / float ( dpi ) , height / float ( dpi )
LabelSize , LegendFontsize = 18 , 18
resnet_scale , resnet_alpha = 120 , 0.5
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 )
plt . xlim ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) )
plt . ylim ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) / / 6 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize , rotation = ' vertical ' )
plt . xticks ( np . arange ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) / / 6 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
#ax.scatter(indexes, cifar100_labels, marker='^', s=0.5, c='tab:green', alpha=0.8, label='CIFAR-100')
#ax.scatter(indexes, imagenet_labels, marker='*', s=0.5, c='tab:red' , alpha=0.8, label='ImageNet-16-120')
#ax.scatter(indexes, indexes , marker='o', s=0.5, c='tab:blue' , alpha=0.8, label='CIFAR-10')
ax . scatter ( indexes , cifar100_labels , marker = ' ^ ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:green ' , alpha = 0.8 )
ax . scatter ( indexes , imagenet_labels , marker = ' * ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:red ' , alpha = 0.8 )
ax . scatter ( indexes , indexes , marker = ' o ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:blue ' , alpha = 0.8 )
ax . scatter ( [ - 1 ] , [ - 1 ] , marker = ' o ' , s = 100 , c = ' tab:blue ' , label = ' CIFAR-10 ' )
ax . scatter ( [ - 1 ] , [ - 1 ] , marker = ' ^ ' , s = 100 , c = ' tab:green ' , label = ' CIFAR-100 ' )
ax . scatter ( [ - 1 ] , [ - 1 ] , marker = ' * ' , s = 100 , c = ' tab:red ' , label = ' ImageNet-16-120 ' )
plt . grid ( zorder = 0 )
ax . set_axisbelow ( True )
plt . legend ( loc = 0 , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . set_xlabel ( ' architecture ranking in CIFAR-10 ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
ax . set_ylabel ( ' architecture ranking ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' relative-rank.pdf ' ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' relative-rank.png ' ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' png ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
# calculate correlation
sns_size = 15
CoRelMatrix = calculate_correlation ( cifar010_info [ ' valid_accs ' ] , cifar010_info [ ' test_accs ' ] , cifar100_info [ ' valid_accs ' ] , cifar100_info [ ' test_accs ' ] , imagenet_info [ ' valid_accs ' ] , imagenet_info [ ' test_accs ' ] )
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
plt . axis ( ' off ' )
h = sns . heatmap ( CoRelMatrix , annot = True , annot_kws = { ' size ' : sns_size } , fmt = ' .3f ' , linewidths = 0.5 )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' co-relation-all.pdf ' ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
# calculate correlation
acc_bars = [ 92 , 93 ]
for acc_bar in acc_bars :
selected_indexes = [ ]
for i , acc in enumerate ( cifar010_info [ ' test_accs ' ] ) :
if acc > acc_bar : selected_indexes . append ( i )
print ( ' select {:} architectures ' . format ( len ( selected_indexes ) ) )
cifar010_valid_accs = np . array ( cifar010_info [ ' valid_accs ' ] ) [ selected_indexes ]
cifar010_test_accs = np . array ( cifar010_info [ ' test_accs ' ] ) [ selected_indexes ]
cifar100_valid_accs = np . array ( cifar100_info [ ' valid_accs ' ] ) [ selected_indexes ]
cifar100_test_accs = np . array ( cifar100_info [ ' test_accs ' ] ) [ selected_indexes ]
imagenet_valid_accs = np . array ( imagenet_info [ ' valid_accs ' ] ) [ selected_indexes ]
imagenet_test_accs = np . array ( imagenet_info [ ' test_accs ' ] ) [ selected_indexes ]
CoRelMatrix = calculate_correlation ( cifar010_valid_accs , cifar010_test_accs , cifar100_valid_accs , cifar100_test_accs , imagenet_valid_accs , imagenet_test_accs )
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
plt . axis ( ' off ' )
h = sns . heatmap ( CoRelMatrix , annot = True , annot_kws = { ' size ' : sns_size } , fmt = ' .3f ' , linewidths = 0.5 )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' co-relation-top- {:} .pdf ' . format ( len ( selected_indexes ) ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
plt . close ( ' all ' )
def visualize_info ( meta_file , dataset , vis_save_dir ) :
print ( ' {:} start to visualize {:} information ' . format ( time_string ( ) , dataset ) )
cache_file_path = vis_save_dir / ' {:} -cache-info.pth ' . format ( dataset )
if not cache_file_path . exists ( ) :
print ( ' Do not find cache file : {:} ' . format ( cache_file_path ) )
nas_bench = API ( str ( meta_file ) )
params , flops , train_accs , valid_accs , test_accs , otest_accs = [ ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ ]
for index in range ( len ( nas_bench ) ) :
info = nas_bench . query_by_index ( index , use_12epochs_result = False )
resx = info . get_comput_costs ( dataset ) ; flop , param = resx [ ' flops ' ] , resx [ ' params ' ]
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10 ' , ' train ' ) ; train_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10-valid ' , ' x-valid ' ) ; valid_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10 ' , ' ori-test ' ) ; test_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10 ' , ' ori-test ' ) ; otest_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
else :
res = info . get_metrics ( dataset , ' train ' ) ; train_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( dataset , ' x-valid ' ) ; valid_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( dataset , ' x-test ' ) ; test_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( dataset , ' ori-test ' ) ; otest_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
if index == 11472 : # resnet
resnet = { ' params ' : param , ' flops ' : flop , ' index ' : 11472 , ' train_acc ' : train_acc , ' valid_acc ' : valid_acc , ' test_acc ' : test_acc , ' otest_acc ' : otest_acc }
flops . append ( flop )
params . append ( param )
train_accs . append ( train_acc )
valid_accs . append ( valid_acc )
test_accs . append ( test_acc )
otest_accs . append ( otest_acc )
#resnet = {'params': 0.559, 'flops': 78.56, 'index': 11472, 'train_acc': 99.99, 'valid_acc': 90.84, 'test_acc': 93.97}
info = { ' params ' : params , ' flops ' : flops , ' train_accs ' : train_accs , ' valid_accs ' : valid_accs , ' test_accs ' : test_accs , ' otest_accs ' : otest_accs }
info [ ' resnet ' ] = resnet
torch . save ( info , cache_file_path )
else :
print ( ' Find cache file : {:} ' . format ( cache_file_path ) )
info = torch . load ( cache_file_path )
params , flops , train_accs , valid_accs , test_accs , otest_accs = info [ ' params ' ] , info [ ' flops ' ] , info [ ' train_accs ' ] , info [ ' valid_accs ' ] , info [ ' test_accs ' ] , info [ ' otest_accs ' ]
resnet = info [ ' resnet ' ]
print ( ' {:} collect data done. ' . format ( time_string ( ) ) )
indexes = list ( range ( len ( params ) ) )
dpi , width , height = 300 , 2600 , 2600
figsize = width / float ( dpi ) , height / float ( dpi )
LabelSize , LegendFontsize = 22 , 22
resnet_scale , resnet_alpha = 120 , 0.5
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 )
plt . xticks ( np . arange ( 0 , 1.6 , 0.3 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
plt . ylim ( 50 , 100 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 50 , 101 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
elif dataset == ' cifar100 ' :
plt . ylim ( 25 , 75 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 25 , 76 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
else :
plt . ylim ( 0 , 50 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 0 , 51 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . scatter ( params , valid_accs , marker = ' o ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:blue ' )
ax . scatter ( [ resnet [ ' params ' ] ] , [ resnet [ ' valid_acc ' ] ] , marker = ' * ' , s = resnet_scale , c = ' tab:orange ' , label = ' resnet ' , alpha = 0.4 )
plt . grid ( zorder = 0 )
ax . set_axisbelow ( True )
plt . legend ( loc = 4 , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . set_xlabel ( ' #parameters (MB) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
ax . set_ylabel ( ' the validation accuracy ( % ) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -param-vs-valid.pdf ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -param-vs-valid.png ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' png ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 )
plt . xticks ( np . arange ( 0 , 1.6 , 0.3 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
plt . ylim ( 50 , 100 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 50 , 101 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
elif dataset == ' cifar100 ' :
plt . ylim ( 25 , 75 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 25 , 76 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
else :
plt . ylim ( 0 , 50 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 0 , 51 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . scatter ( params , test_accs , marker = ' o ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:blue ' )
ax . scatter ( [ resnet [ ' params ' ] ] , [ resnet [ ' test_acc ' ] ] , marker = ' * ' , s = resnet_scale , c = ' tab:orange ' , label = ' resnet ' , alpha = resnet_alpha )
plt . grid ( )
ax . set_axisbelow ( True )
plt . legend ( loc = 4 , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . set_xlabel ( ' #parameters (MB) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
ax . set_ylabel ( ' the test accuracy ( % ) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -param-vs-test.pdf ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -param-vs-test.png ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' png ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 )
plt . xticks ( np . arange ( 0 , 1.6 , 0.3 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
plt . ylim ( 50 , 100 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 50 , 101 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
elif dataset == ' cifar100 ' :
plt . ylim ( 20 , 100 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 20 , 101 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
else :
plt . ylim ( 25 , 76 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 25 , 76 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . scatter ( params , train_accs , marker = ' o ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:blue ' )
ax . scatter ( [ resnet [ ' params ' ] ] , [ resnet [ ' train_acc ' ] ] , marker = ' * ' , s = resnet_scale , c = ' tab:orange ' , label = ' resnet ' , alpha = resnet_alpha )
plt . grid ( )
ax . set_axisbelow ( True )
plt . legend ( loc = 4 , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . set_xlabel ( ' #parameters (MB) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
ax . set_ylabel ( ' the trarining accuracy ( % ) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -param-vs-train.pdf ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -param-vs-train.png ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' png ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 )
plt . xlim ( 0 , max ( indexes ) )
plt . xticks ( np . arange ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) / / 5 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
if dataset == ' cifar10 ' :
plt . ylim ( 50 , 100 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 50 , 101 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
elif dataset == ' cifar100 ' :
plt . ylim ( 25 , 75 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 25 , 76 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
else :
plt . ylim ( 0 , 50 )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( 0 , 51 , 10 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . scatter ( indexes , test_accs , marker = ' o ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:blue ' )
ax . scatter ( [ resnet [ ' index ' ] ] , [ resnet [ ' test_acc ' ] ] , marker = ' * ' , s = resnet_scale , c = ' tab:orange ' , label = ' resnet ' , alpha = resnet_alpha )
plt . grid ( )
ax . set_axisbelow ( True )
plt . legend ( loc = 4 , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . set_xlabel ( ' architecture ID ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
ax . set_ylabel ( ' the test accuracy ( % ) ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -test-over-ID.pdf ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' {:} -test-over-ID.png ' . format ( dataset ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' png ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
plt . close ( ' all ' )
def visualize_rank_over_time ( meta_file , vis_save_dir ) :
print ( ' \n ' + ' - ' * 150 )
vis_save_dir . mkdir ( parents = True , exist_ok = True )
print ( ' {:} start to visualize rank-over-time into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , vis_save_dir ) )
cache_file_path = vis_save_dir / ' rank-over-time-cache-info.pth '
if not cache_file_path . exists ( ) :
print ( ' Do not find cache file : {:} ' . format ( cache_file_path ) )
nas_bench = API ( str ( meta_file ) )
print ( ' {:} load nas_bench done ' . format ( time_string ( ) ) )
params , flops , train_accs , valid_accs , test_accs , otest_accs = [ ] , [ ] , defaultdict ( list ) , defaultdict ( list ) , defaultdict ( list ) , defaultdict ( list )
#for iepoch in range(200): for index in range( len(nas_bench) ):
for index in tqdm ( range ( len ( nas_bench ) ) ) :
info = nas_bench . query_by_index ( index , use_12epochs_result = False )
for iepoch in range ( 200 ) :
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10 ' , ' train ' , iepoch ) ; train_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10-valid ' , ' x-valid ' , iepoch ) ; valid_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10 ' , ' ori-test ' , iepoch ) ; test_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
res = info . get_metrics ( ' cifar10 ' , ' ori-test ' , iepoch ) ; otest_acc = res [ ' accuracy ' ]
train_accs [ iepoch ] . append ( train_acc )
valid_accs [ iepoch ] . append ( valid_acc )
test_accs [ iepoch ] . append ( test_acc )
otest_accs [ iepoch ] . append ( otest_acc )
if iepoch == 0 :
res = info . get_comput_costs ( ' cifar10 ' ) ; flop , param = res [ ' flops ' ] , res [ ' params ' ]
flops . append ( flop )
params . append ( param )
info = { ' params ' : params , ' flops ' : flops , ' train_accs ' : train_accs , ' valid_accs ' : valid_accs , ' test_accs ' : test_accs , ' otest_accs ' : otest_accs }
torch . save ( info , cache_file_path )
else :
print ( ' Find cache file : {:} ' . format ( cache_file_path ) )
info = torch . load ( cache_file_path )
params , flops , train_accs , valid_accs , test_accs , otest_accs = info [ ' params ' ] , info [ ' flops ' ] , info [ ' train_accs ' ] , info [ ' valid_accs ' ] , info [ ' test_accs ' ] , info [ ' otest_accs ' ]
print ( ' {:} collect data done. ' . format ( time_string ( ) ) )
#selected_epochs = [0, 100, 150, 180, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199]
selected_epochs = list ( range ( 200 ) )
x_xtests = test_accs [ 199 ]
indexes = list ( range ( len ( x_xtests ) ) )
ord_idxs = sorted ( indexes , key = lambda i : x_xtests [ i ] )
for sepoch in selected_epochs :
x_valids = valid_accs [ sepoch ]
valid_ord_idxs = sorted ( indexes , key = lambda i : x_valids [ i ] )
valid_ord_lbls = [ ]
for idx in ord_idxs :
valid_ord_lbls . append ( valid_ord_idxs . index ( idx ) )
# labeled data
dpi , width , height = 300 , 2600 , 2600
figsize = width / float ( dpi ) , height / float ( dpi )
LabelSize , LegendFontsize = 18 , 18
fig = plt . figure ( figsize = figsize )
ax = fig . add_subplot ( 111 )
plt . xlim ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) )
plt . ylim ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) )
plt . yticks ( np . arange ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) / / 6 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize , rotation = ' vertical ' )
plt . xticks ( np . arange ( min ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) , max ( indexes ) / / 6 ) , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . scatter ( indexes , valid_ord_lbls , marker = ' ^ ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:green ' , alpha = 0.8 )
ax . scatter ( indexes , indexes , marker = ' o ' , s = 0.5 , c = ' tab:blue ' , alpha = 0.8 )
ax . scatter ( [ - 1 ] , [ - 1 ] , marker = ' ^ ' , s = 100 , c = ' tab:green ' , label = ' CIFAR-10 validation ' )
ax . scatter ( [ - 1 ] , [ - 1 ] , marker = ' o ' , s = 100 , c = ' tab:blue ' , label = ' CIFAR-10 test ' )
plt . grid ( zorder = 0 )
ax . set_axisbelow ( True )
plt . legend ( loc = ' upper left ' , fontsize = LegendFontsize )
ax . set_xlabel ( ' architecture ranking in the final test accuracy ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
ax . set_ylabel ( ' architecture ranking in the validation set ' , fontsize = LabelSize )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' time- {:03d} .pdf ' . format ( sepoch ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' pdf ' )
save_path = ( vis_save_dir / ' time- {:03d} .png ' . format ( sepoch ) ) . resolve ( )
fig . savefig ( save_path , dpi = dpi , bbox_inches = ' tight ' , format = ' png ' )
print ( ' {:} save into {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , save_path ) )
plt . close ( ' all ' )
def write_video ( save_dir ) :
import cv2
video_save_path = save_dir / ' time.avi '
print ( ' {:} start create video for {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , video_save_path ) )
images = sorted ( list ( save_dir . glob ( ' time-*.png ' ) ) )
ximage = cv2 . imread ( str ( images [ 0 ] ) )
#shape = (ximage.shape[1], ximage.shape[0])
shape = ( 1000 , 1000 )
#writer = cv2.VideoWriter(str(video_save_path), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"), 25, shape)
writer = cv2 . VideoWriter ( str ( video_save_path ) , cv2 . VideoWriter_fourcc ( * " MJPG " ) , 5 , shape )
for idx , image in enumerate ( images ) :
ximage = cv2 . imread ( str ( image ) )
_image = cv2 . resize ( ximage , shape )
writer . write ( _image )
writer . release ( )
print ( ' write video [ {:} frames] into {:} ' . format ( len ( images ) , video_save_path ) )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( description = ' NAS-Bench-102 ' , formatter_class = argparse . ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter )
2019-12-31 12:02:11 +01:00
parser . add_argument ( ' --save_dir ' , type = str , default = ' ./output/search-cell-nas-bench-102/visuals ' , help = ' The base-name of folder to save checkpoints and log. ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' --api_path ' , type = str , default = None , help = ' The path to the NAS-Bench-102 benchmark file. ' )
2019-12-29 10:17:26 +01:00
args = parser . parse_args ( )
2019-12-31 12:02:11 +01:00
vis_save_dir = Path ( args . save_dir )
2019-12-29 10:17:26 +01:00
vis_save_dir . mkdir ( parents = True , exist_ok = True )
meta_file = Path ( args . api_path )
assert meta_file . exists ( ) , ' invalid path for api : {:} ' . format ( meta_file )
2019-12-31 12:02:11 +01:00
#visualize_rank_over_time(str(meta_file), vis_save_dir / 'over-time')
#write_video(vis_save_dir / 'over-time')
#visualize_info(str(meta_file), 'cifar10' , vis_save_dir)
#visualize_info(str(meta_file), 'cifar100', vis_save_dir)
#visualize_info(str(meta_file), 'ImageNet16-120', vis_save_dir)
2019-12-29 10:17:26 +01:00
visualize_relative_ranking ( vis_save_dir )