2020-03-09 09:38:00 +01:00
# Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2019.08 #
2020-03-10 09:08:56 +01:00
import os , time , copy , torch , pathlib
import datasets
from config_utils import load_config
2020-03-09 09:38:00 +01:00
from procedures import prepare_seed , get_optim_scheduler
from utils import get_model_infos , obtain_accuracy
from log_utils import AverageMeter , time_string , convert_secs2time
from models import get_cell_based_tiny_net
2020-03-10 09:08:56 +01:00
__all__ = [ ' evaluate_for_seed ' , ' pure_evaluate ' , ' get_nas_bench_loaders ' ]
2020-03-09 09:38:00 +01:00
def pure_evaluate ( xloader , network , criterion = torch . nn . CrossEntropyLoss ( ) ) :
data_time , batch_time , batch = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , None
losses , top1 , top5 = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
latencies = [ ]
network . eval ( )
with torch . no_grad ( ) :
end = time . time ( )
for i , ( inputs , targets ) in enumerate ( xloader ) :
targets = targets . cuda ( non_blocking = True )
inputs = inputs . cuda ( non_blocking = True )
data_time . update ( time . time ( ) - end )
# forward
features , logits = network ( inputs )
loss = criterion ( logits , targets )
batch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - end )
if batch is None or batch == inputs . size ( 0 ) :
batch = inputs . size ( 0 )
latencies . append ( batch_time . val - data_time . val )
# record loss and accuracy
prec1 , prec5 = obtain_accuracy ( logits . data , targets . data , topk = ( 1 , 5 ) )
losses . update ( loss . item ( ) , inputs . size ( 0 ) )
top1 . update ( prec1 . item ( ) , inputs . size ( 0 ) )
top5 . update ( prec5 . item ( ) , inputs . size ( 0 ) )
end = time . time ( )
if len ( latencies ) > 2 : latencies = latencies [ 1 : ]
return losses . avg , top1 . avg , top5 . avg , latencies
def procedure ( xloader , network , criterion , scheduler , optimizer , mode : str ) :
losses , top1 , top5 = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( )
if mode == ' train ' : network . train ( )
elif mode == ' valid ' : network . eval ( )
else : raise ValueError ( " The mode is not right : {:} " . format ( mode ) )
data_time , batch_time , end = AverageMeter ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , time . time ( )
for i , ( inputs , targets ) in enumerate ( xloader ) :
if mode == ' train ' : scheduler . update ( None , 1.0 * i / len ( xloader ) )
targets = targets . cuda ( non_blocking = True )
if mode == ' train ' : optimizer . zero_grad ( )
# forward
features , logits = network ( inputs )
loss = criterion ( logits , targets )
# backward
if mode == ' train ' :
loss . backward ( )
optimizer . step ( )
# record loss and accuracy
prec1 , prec5 = obtain_accuracy ( logits . data , targets . data , topk = ( 1 , 5 ) )
losses . update ( loss . item ( ) , inputs . size ( 0 ) )
top1 . update ( prec1 . item ( ) , inputs . size ( 0 ) )
top5 . update ( prec5 . item ( ) , inputs . size ( 0 ) )
# count time
batch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - end )
end = time . time ( )
return losses . avg , top1 . avg , top5 . avg , batch_time . sum
def evaluate_for_seed ( arch_config , opt_config , train_loader , valid_loaders , seed : int , logger ) :
prepare_seed ( seed ) # random seed
net = get_cell_based_tiny_net ( arch_config )
#net = TinyNetwork(arch_config['channel'], arch_config['num_cells'], arch, config.class_num)
flop , param = get_model_infos ( net , opt_config . xshape )
logger . log ( ' Network : {:} ' . format ( net . get_message ( ) ) , False )
logger . log ( ' {:} Seed-------------------------- {:} -------------------------- ' . format ( time_string ( ) , seed ) )
logger . log ( ' FLOP = {:} MB, Param = {:} MB ' . format ( flop , param ) )
# train and valid
optimizer , scheduler , criterion = get_optim_scheduler ( net . parameters ( ) , opt_config )
network , criterion = torch . nn . DataParallel ( net ) . cuda ( ) , criterion . cuda ( )
# start training
start_time , epoch_time , total_epoch = time . time ( ) , AverageMeter ( ) , opt_config . epochs + opt_config . warmup
train_losses , train_acc1es , train_acc5es , valid_losses , valid_acc1es , valid_acc5es = { } , { } , { } , { } , { } , { }
train_times , valid_times , lrs = { } , { } , { }
for epoch in range ( total_epoch ) :
scheduler . update ( epoch , 0.0 )
lr = min ( scheduler . get_lr ( ) )
train_loss , train_acc1 , train_acc5 , train_tm = procedure ( train_loader , network , criterion , scheduler , optimizer , ' train ' )
train_losses [ epoch ] = train_loss
train_acc1es [ epoch ] = train_acc1
train_acc5es [ epoch ] = train_acc5
train_times [ epoch ] = train_tm
lrs [ epoch ] = lr
with torch . no_grad ( ) :
for key , xloder in valid_loaders . items ( ) :
valid_loss , valid_acc1 , valid_acc5 , valid_tm = procedure ( xloder , network , criterion , None , None , ' valid ' )
valid_losses [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( key , epoch ) ] = valid_loss
valid_acc1es [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( key , epoch ) ] = valid_acc1
valid_acc5es [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( key , epoch ) ] = valid_acc5
valid_times [ ' {:} @ {:} ' . format ( key , epoch ) ] = valid_tm
# measure elapsed time
epoch_time . update ( time . time ( ) - start_time )
start_time = time . time ( )
need_time = ' Time Left: {:} ' . format ( convert_secs2time ( epoch_time . avg * ( total_epoch - epoch - 1 ) , True ) )
logger . log ( ' {:} {:} epoch= {:03d} / {:03d} :: Train [loss= {:.5f} , acc@1= {:.2f} % , acc@5= {:.2f} % ] Valid [loss= {:.5f} , acc@1= {:.2f} % , acc@5= {:.2f} % ], lr= {:} ' . format ( time_string ( ) , need_time , epoch , total_epoch , train_loss , train_acc1 , train_acc5 , valid_loss , valid_acc1 , valid_acc5 , lr ) )
info_seed = { ' flop ' : flop ,
' param ' : param ,
' arch_config ' : arch_config . _asdict ( ) ,
' opt_config ' : opt_config . _asdict ( ) ,
' total_epoch ' : total_epoch ,
' train_losses ' : train_losses ,
' train_acc1es ' : train_acc1es ,
' train_acc5es ' : train_acc5es ,
' train_times ' : train_times ,
' valid_losses ' : valid_losses ,
' valid_acc1es ' : valid_acc1es ,
' valid_acc5es ' : valid_acc5es ,
' valid_times ' : valid_times ,
' learning_rates ' : lrs ,
' net_state_dict ' : net . state_dict ( ) ,
' net_string ' : ' {:} ' . format ( net ) ,
' finish-train ' : True
return info_seed
2020-03-10 09:08:56 +01:00
def get_nas_bench_loaders ( workers ) :
torch . set_num_threads ( workers )
root_dir = ( pathlib . Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' .. ' / ' .. ' ) . resolve ( )
torch_dir = pathlib . Path ( os . environ [ ' TORCH_HOME ' ] )
# cifar
cifar_config_path = root_dir / ' configs ' / ' nas-benchmark ' / ' CIFAR.config '
cifar_config = load_config ( cifar_config_path , None , None )
get_datasets = datasets . get_datasets # a function to return the dataset
break_line = ' - ' * 150
print ( ' {:} Create data-loader for all datasets ' . format ( time_string ( ) ) )
print ( break_line )
TRAIN_CIFAR10 , VALID_CIFAR10 , xshape , class_num = get_datasets ( ' cifar10 ' , str ( torch_dir / ' cifar.python ' ) , - 1 )
print ( ' original CIFAR-10 : {:} training images and {:} test images : {:} input shape : {:} number of classes ' . format ( len ( TRAIN_CIFAR10 ) , len ( VALID_CIFAR10 ) , xshape , class_num ) )
cifar10_splits = load_config ( root_dir / ' configs ' / ' nas-benchmark ' / ' cifar-split.txt ' , None , None )
assert cifar10_splits . train [ : 10 ] == [ 0 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 20 , 24 ] and cifar10_splits . valid [ : 10 ] == [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 12 , 14 ]
temp_dataset = copy . deepcopy ( TRAIN_CIFAR10 )
temp_dataset . transform = VALID_CIFAR10 . transform
# data loader
trainval_cifar10_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( TRAIN_CIFAR10 , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , shuffle = True , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
train_cifar10_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( TRAIN_CIFAR10 , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( cifar10_splits . train ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
valid_cifar10_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( temp_dataset , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( cifar10_splits . valid ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
test__cifar10_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( VALID_CIFAR10 , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , shuffle = False , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
print ( ' CIFAR-10 : trval-loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( trainval_cifar10_loader ) , cifar_config . batch_size ) )
print ( ' CIFAR-10 : train-loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( train_cifar10_loader ) , cifar_config . batch_size ) )
print ( ' CIFAR-10 : valid-loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( valid_cifar10_loader ) , cifar_config . batch_size ) )
print ( ' CIFAR-10 : test--loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( test__cifar10_loader ) , cifar_config . batch_size ) )
print ( break_line )
# CIFAR-100
TRAIN_CIFAR100 , VALID_CIFAR100 , xshape , class_num = get_datasets ( ' cifar100 ' , str ( torch_dir / ' cifar.python ' ) , - 1 )
print ( ' original CIFAR-100: {:} training images and {:} test images : {:} input shape : {:} number of classes ' . format ( len ( TRAIN_CIFAR100 ) , len ( VALID_CIFAR100 ) , xshape , class_num ) )
cifar100_splits = load_config ( root_dir / ' configs ' / ' nas-benchmark ' / ' cifar100-test-split.txt ' , None , None )
assert cifar100_splits . xvalid [ : 10 ] == [ 1 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 8 , 10 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ] and cifar100_splits . xtest [ : 10 ] == [ 0 , 2 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 17 , 20 , 24 ]
train_cifar100_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( TRAIN_CIFAR100 , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , shuffle = True , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
valid_cifar100_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( VALID_CIFAR100 , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( cifar100_splits . xvalid ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
test__cifar100_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( VALID_CIFAR100 , batch_size = cifar_config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( cifar100_splits . xtest ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
print ( ' CIFAR-100 : train-loader has {:3d} batch ' . format ( len ( train_cifar100_loader ) ) )
print ( ' CIFAR-100 : valid-loader has {:3d} batch ' . format ( len ( valid_cifar100_loader ) ) )
print ( ' CIFAR-100 : test--loader has {:3d} batch ' . format ( len ( test__cifar100_loader ) ) )
print ( break_line )
imagenet16_config_path = ' configs/nas-benchmark/ImageNet-16.config '
imagenet16_config = load_config ( imagenet16_config_path , None , None )
TRAIN_ImageNet16_120 , VALID_ImageNet16_120 , xshape , class_num = get_datasets ( ' ImageNet16-120 ' , str ( torch_dir / ' cifar.python ' / ' ImageNet16 ' ) , - 1 )
print ( ' original TRAIN_ImageNet16_120: {:} training images and {:} test images : {:} input shape : {:} number of classes ' . format ( len ( TRAIN_ImageNet16_120 ) , len ( VALID_ImageNet16_120 ) , xshape , class_num ) )
imagenet_splits = load_config ( root_dir / ' configs ' / ' nas-benchmark ' / ' imagenet-16-120-test-split.txt ' , None , None )
assert imagenet_splits . xvalid [ : 10 ] == [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 12 , 16 , 18 ] and imagenet_splits . xtest [ : 10 ] == [ 0 , 4 , 5 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 17 , 20 ]
train_imagenet_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( TRAIN_ImageNet16_120 , batch_size = imagenet16_config . batch_size , shuffle = True , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
valid_imagenet_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( VALID_ImageNet16_120 , batch_size = imagenet16_config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( imagenet_splits . xvalid ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
test__imagenet_loader = torch . utils . data . DataLoader ( VALID_ImageNet16_120 , batch_size = imagenet16_config . batch_size , sampler = torch . utils . data . sampler . SubsetRandomSampler ( imagenet_splits . xtest ) , num_workers = workers , pin_memory = True )
print ( ' ImageNet-16-120 : train-loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( train_imagenet_loader ) , imagenet16_config . batch_size ) )
print ( ' ImageNet-16-120 : valid-loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( valid_imagenet_loader ) , imagenet16_config . batch_size ) )
print ( ' ImageNet-16-120 : test--loader has {:3d} batch with {:} per batch ' . format ( len ( test__imagenet_loader ) , imagenet16_config . batch_size ) )
# 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'ImageNet16-120'
loaders = { ' cifar10@trainval ' : trainval_cifar10_loader ,
' cifar10@train ' : train_cifar10_loader ,
' cifar10@valid ' : valid_cifar10_loader ,
' cifar10@test ' : test__cifar10_loader ,
' cifar100@train ' : train_cifar100_loader ,
' cifar100@valid ' : valid_cifar100_loader ,
' cifar100@test ' : test__cifar100_loader ,
' ImageNet16-120@train ' : train_imagenet_loader ,
' ImageNet16-120@valid ' : valid_imagenet_loader ,
' ImageNet16-120@test ' : test__imagenet_loader }
return loaders