##################################################### # Copyright (c) Xuanyi Dong [GitHub D-X-Y], 2021.02 # ##################################################### # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg MLP # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg GRU # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg LSTM # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg ALSTM # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg NAIVE-V1 # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg NAIVE-V2 # # # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg SFM # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg XGBoost # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg LightGBM # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg DoubleE # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg TabNet # # # # python exps/trading/baselines.py --alg Transformer# ##################################################### import sys import argparse from collections import OrderedDict from pathlib import Path from pprint import pprint import ruamel.yaml as yaml lib_dir = (Path(__file__).parent / ".." / ".." / "lib").resolve() if str(lib_dir) not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, str(lib_dir)) from procedures.q_exps import update_gpu from procedures.q_exps import update_market from procedures.q_exps import run_exp import qlib from qlib.utils import init_instance_by_config from qlib.workflow import R from qlib.utils import flatten_dict def retrieve_configs(): # https://github.com/microsoft/qlib/blob/main/examples/benchmarks/ config_dir = (lib_dir / ".." / "configs" / "qlib").resolve() # algorithm to file names alg2names = OrderedDict() alg2names["GRU"] = "workflow_config_gru_Alpha360.yaml" alg2names["LSTM"] = "workflow_config_lstm_Alpha360.yaml" alg2names["MLP"] = "workflow_config_mlp_Alpha360.yaml" # A dual-stage attention-based recurrent neural network for time series prediction, IJCAI-2017 alg2names["ALSTM"] = "workflow_config_alstm_Alpha360.yaml" # XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System, KDD-2016 alg2names["XGBoost"] = "workflow_config_xgboost_Alpha360.yaml" # LightGBM: A Highly Efficient Gradient Boosting Decision Tree, NeurIPS-2017 alg2names["LightGBM"] = "workflow_config_lightgbm_Alpha360.yaml" # State Frequency Memory (SFM): Stock Price Prediction via Discovering Multi-Frequency Trading Patterns, KDD-2017 alg2names["SFM"] = "workflow_config_sfm_Alpha360.yaml" # DoubleEnsemble: A New Ensemble Method Based on Sample Reweighting and Feature Selection for Financial Data Analysis, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.01265.pdf alg2names["DoubleE"] = "workflow_config_doubleensemble_Alpha360.yaml" alg2names["TabNet"] = "workflow_config_TabNet_Alpha360.yaml" alg2names["NAIVE-V1"] = "workflow_config_naive_v1_Alpha360.yaml" alg2names["NAIVE-V2"] = "workflow_config_naive_v2_Alpha360.yaml" alg2names["Transformer"] = "workflow_config_transformer_Alpha360.yaml" # find the yaml paths alg2paths = OrderedDict() print("Start retrieving the algorithm configurations") for idx, (alg, name) in enumerate(alg2names.items()): path = config_dir / name assert path.exists(), "{:} does not exist.".format(path) alg2paths[alg] = str(path) print( "The {:02d}/{:02d}-th baseline algorithm is {:9s} ({:}).".format( idx, len(alg2names), alg, path ) ) return alg2paths def main(xargs, exp_yaml): assert Path(exp_yaml).exists(), "{:} does not exist.".format(exp_yaml) pprint("Run {:}".format(xargs.alg)) with open(exp_yaml) as fp: config = yaml.safe_load(fp) config = update_market(config, xargs.market) config = update_gpu(config, xargs.gpu) qlib.init(**config.get("qlib_init")) dataset_config = config.get("task").get("dataset") dataset = init_instance_by_config(dataset_config) pprint("args: {:}".format(xargs)) pprint(dataset_config) pprint(dataset) for irun in range(xargs.times): run_exp( config.get("task"), dataset, xargs.alg, "recorder-{:02d}-{:02d}".format(irun, xargs.times), "{:}-{:}".format(xargs.save_dir, xargs.market), ) if __name__ == "__main__": alg2paths = retrieve_configs() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Baselines") parser.add_argument( "--save_dir", type=str, default="./outputs/qlib-baselines", help="The checkpoint directory.", ) parser.add_argument( "--market", type=str, default="all", choices=["csi100", "csi300", "all"], help="The market indicator.", ) parser.add_argument("--times", type=int, default=10, help="The repeated run times.") parser.add_argument( "--gpu", type=int, default=0, help="The GPU ID used for train / test." ) parser.add_argument( "--alg", type=str, choices=list(alg2paths.keys()), required=True, help="The algorithm name.", ) args = parser.parse_args() main(args, alg2paths[args.alg])