#!/bin/bash # bash ./scripts-search/search-width-gumbel.sh cifar10 ResNet110 CIFARX 0.57 777 set -e echo script name: $0 echo $# arguments if [ "$#" -ne 5 ] ;then echo "Input illegal number of parameters " $# echo "Need 5 parameters for the dataset and the-model-name and the-optimizer and FLOP-ratio and the-random-seed" exit 1 fi if [ "$TORCH_HOME" = "" ]; then echo "Must set TORCH_HOME envoriment variable for data dir saving" exit 1 else echo "TORCH_HOME : $TORCH_HOME" fi dataset=$1 model=$2 optim=$3 expected_FLOP_ratio=$4 rseed=$5 bash ./scripts-search/search-width-cifar.sh ${dataset} ${model} ${optim} 0.1 5 ${expected_FLOP_ratio} ${rseed}